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Users guide

Yannick Warnier edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

The final users guide is available as an English-spoken video here:

User storytelling

The final user, Sam, first comes to the platform anonymously to try it out. He gets on the homepage and can immediately search for a given dream job or a missing skill. He gets usable results, but they might feel a bit “too anonymous” as he gets recommendations for training opportunities that are far away, too expensive, not in his language, or simply that offer to learn skills he already has. A message invites him to create an account and to complete his profile to get better results.

Sam creates an account on the platform. He confirms his email before getting access. He is invited (not mandatory) to fill his profile (including a rough location and his age), which includes previous and current job, training he’s followed in the past, and maybe skills he believes he has but for which he has no official credentials. Sam’s experience filling these is as easy as possible. A progress bar helps him get an understanding of how long the process might last.

Sam then registers his dream job: he’s been working as an electrician and now wants to develop as an astronaut. He doesn’t have a clear idea on how to get there, but by inputting his dream job, Sam can now simply click “Search training” and get a list of recommended training that are close by, accessible and that focus on the skills he is missing.

Now Sam has a better visibility for his career change and can start planning!

User guide

Anonymous users can connect to the platform at (the home route of the application) and search either for training related to a job or a specific skill.


The anonymous user gets rough results, not necessarily very adapted to his/her profile. Recommendations are provided to encourage the user to log in and provide professional information that will help the application provide better recommendations.


If the user has previously registered, he can simply "Sign in".


Otherwise, the user can register by clicking the top link to "Sign up".


He/she can choose between 3 types of profiles. In this case, the user is a simple user.


Once the user has given basic info, he/she is redirected to his/her profile page, where he/she can adjust his details.


He/She can then indicate the job he/she is currently doing, plus possible previous jobs and the job of his/her dreams. Adding jobs history here will enable the algorithm to automatically associate skills with the user profile, so that search results can be more precise in the future.


In a similar way, the user can indicate previous training he/she followed, as these will also help draw a more precise "skills profile" of the user and help improve training recommendations.


Each training is associated to a list of skills, which can be seen in the "Details" section of the corresponding training.


Each training taken can be voted on. This will provide separate user-based recommendations to other users seeing that training as a recommendation in the future.


Finally, the skills section, automatically filled through the previous details given, will allow the user to remove some skills he/she doesn't consider acquired, or to add other skills that he/she feels he/she has acquired through other means.


The profile is all set! If, in the future, the user wanted to modify the password, the last section allows him/her to do just that.
