Creating models for MINST database
The MINST database is formed by digits images with labels.
Build and traing a classifing model for correct classify the digits from 1 to 10. The images are made by 28x28 pixels in one channel color gray color.
I provided two different model to solve this classification task. The solutions are:
- Full connected NeuralNetwork
- Convolutional Neural Network
The Neural Network id made by:
- 784 nodes in input
- 50 nodes in the Hidden Layer
- 10 output nodes
784 nodes are caused by the dimension of the image 28x28 = 784, we reshape a matrix(28,28) to an array(784).
- Training: Got 55786 / 60000 with accuracy 92.98%
- Test: Got 9295 / 10000 with accuracy 92.95%