The jar file must be run using the following command (JavaFX folder must be in the same folder as the jar file)
java --module-path javafx-sdk-12.0.1/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar client.jar
The jar file can be run with some options, that override the default ones in the configuration files. Default options run the game on the localhost, with the GUI
interface <gui|cli>
resolution <height>
serverIp <ip>
clientIp <ip>
(Specify this only if server.jar is not running on the same machine of client.jar)
The jar file must be run using the following command
java -jar server.jar
The jar file can be run with some options, that override the default ones in the configuration files. Default options run the game on the localhost
serverIp <ip>
loginTimer <seconds>
inactivityTime <seconds>