This is the Java SDK for the Sinch REST SMS API for sending and receiving single or batch SMS/MMS messages. It also supports scheduled sends, organizing your frequent recipients into groups, and customizing your message for each recipient using parameterization. It offers an asynchronous Java API that provides convenient access to all the features of the SMS REST API.
API reference:
To use this SDK, add it as a dependency
implementation 'com.sinch:sdk-sms:2.2.1'
String servicePlanId = "SERVICE_PLAN_ID";
String token = "SERVICE_TOKEN";
ApiConnection conn =
String sender = "SENDER"; // Optional, must be valid phone number, short code or alphanumeric.
String [] recipients = {"1232323131", "3213123"};
MtBatchTextSmsResult batch =
.body("Something good")
// Creating simple Group
GroupResult group = conn.createGroup(SinchSMSApi.groupCreate().name("Subscriber").build());
// Adding members (numbers) into the group
conn.updateGroup(, SinchSMSApi.groupUpdate().addMemberInsertion("15418888", "323232").build());
// Sending a message to the group
MtBatchTextSmsResult batch = conn.createBatch(
.body("Something good")
System.out.println("Successfully sent batch " +;
String sender = "SENDER"; // Optional, must be valid phone number, short code or alphanumeric.
String [] recipients = {"1232323131", "3213123"};
MtBatchMmsResult batch =
.body(SinchSMSApi.mediaBody().url("").message("Hello, world!").build())
Please visit for more detailed instructions.
This project uses the Maven build tool, and the typical Maven goals are supported. To install the package to your local Maven repository it therefore is sufficient to execute.
git clone
cd sinch-java-sms
mvn clean install
Build .jar file
mvn package
It will give you sdk-sms-2.2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
To skip local test
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
in your terminal. The project will then be compiled and tested before finally being installed in your local repository.
We recommend enabling annotation processing in your IDE
In version 2.x MMS messages support was added into the library, which will require code changes if you want to upgrade.
Methods of ApiConnection for fetching or cancelling batches are returning MtBatchResult now, which you could cast to either MtBatchMmsResult or MtBatchSmsResult depending on message type;
RecipientDeliveryReport which is returned by ApiConnection.fetchDeliveryReport, you could cast to RecipientDeliveryReportSms or RecipientDeliveryReportMms depending on message type;
BatchDeliveryReport.Status is not inner class anymore and could be used as Status;
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for the license text.