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Basic-ml: Simple streamlit visualization app

Streamlit App

  • Different sklearn toy-datasets like Iris dataset, Breast cancer dataset & Wine dataset are vizualized graphically using matplotlib library in the streamlit app. The datasets are classified with different supervised ML classifiers like KNN, SVM & Random Forests.
  • Shape of the dataset, no. of classes along with its accuracy score for particular classifier are displayed above the graph. There is also a sidebar to tweak certain parameters related to the different classifiers used.


Sklearn's generated datasets

Streamlit App

  • This app is used to check the influence of various parameters/arguments on the sample data points of generated datasets.
  • Variuos generated datasets include: make_moons, make_circles & make_classification which creates two interleaving data points for classification purposes.
  • Used to visualize clustering and classification algorithms.


Linear SVM classifier in action

Streamlit App

  • To check real-time implementation of Linear SVM classifier using polynomial features on the sklearn generated dataset: make_moons.


Daily Defects app

Streamlit App

  • Web-app to track daily defects in producion-level for QA.
  • Mobile-friendly view of the web based app.
  • PDF download section also available for download of detailed defect report.

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