My attempt at tackling some of the most interesting coding challenges on leetcode!
Array Challenges
Problem | Solution | Level | Tag |
Duplicate Zeros | Python | Easy | |
Missing Number | Python | Easy | |
First Unique Character in a String | Python | Easy | |
Intersection of 2 arrays | Python | Easy | Two Pointers |
Squares of a sorted array | Python | Easy | |
Sort Colors | Python | Medium | |
Minimum Size Subarray Sum | Python | Medium | |
Product of Array Except self | Python | Medium | |
3 Sum | Python | Medium | |
3 Sum Closest | Python | Medium | |
Find first and last | Python | Medium | |
Subsets | Python | Medium | |
Interval list intersections | Python | Medium | Two Pointers |
Max consecutive ones 3 | Python | Medium | Sliding Window |
Continuous Subarray Sum | Java | Medium | |
Product of the Last K Numbers | Java | Medium | |
Subarray sum equals K | Python | Medium | |
3 Sum Smaller | Python | Medium | |
Find the Celebrity | Python | Medium | |
Summary Ranges | Python | Medium | |
Grumpy bookstore owner | Python | Medium | Sliding Window |
Maximum product subarray | Python | Medium | |
Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target | Python | Hard | Sliding Window |
First Missing Positive | Python | Hard | |
Sliding window maximum | Python | Hard | Sliding Window |
Binary Search
Problem | Solution | Level |
First Bad Version | Python | Easy |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Python | Medium |
Find Peak Element | Python | Medium |
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | Python | Medium |
Search Range | Python | Medium |
Linked List Challenges
Problem | Solution | Level |
Merge two sorted lists | Python | Medium |
Copy list with random pointer | Python | Medium |
Sort list | Python | Medium |
Remove Nth Node | Python | Medium |
Merge K sorted lists | Python | Hard |
String Challenges
Problem | Solution | Level |
Reorder log files | Python | Easy |
Valid Parantheses | Python | Easy |
Group Anagrams | Python | Medium |
Compare Version Numbers | Python | Medium |
Longest Palindromic Substring | Python | Medium |
Generate Parantheses | Python | Medium |
Decode Ways | Python | Medium |
Minimum Time Difference | Python | Medium |
Camelcase Matching | Python | Medium |
Search suggestions | Python | Medium |
Longest Valid Parentheses | Python | Hard |
Stacks and Queues Challenges
Problem | Solution | Level |
Min stack | Python | Easy |
Tree Challenges
Problem | Solution | Level |
Subtree of another tree | Python | Easy |
Two Sum IV | Python | Easy |
Diameter of a binary tree | Python | Easy |
Kth Smallest | Python | Medium |
Find Leaves of a binary tree | Python | Medium |
Binary Tree Pruning | Python | Medium |
Heap Challenges
Problem | Solution | Level |
Kth largest element in a stream | Python | Easy |
High Five | Python | Easy |
Kth smallest Element | Python | Medium |
Top K frequent elements | Python | Medium |
Employee Free Time | Python | Hard |
Graph Challenges
Problem | Solution | Level |
Find the Town Judge | Python | Easy |
Valid Tree | Python | Medium |
Can visit all rooms | Python | Medium |
Path with maximum minimum value | Python | Medium |
Redundant Connections | Python | Medium |
Number of Connected Components | Python | Medium |
Course Schedule 2 | Python | Medium |
Greedy challenges
Problem | Solution | Level |
Last Stone Weight | Python | Easy |
Lemonade Change | Python | Easy |
Two City Scheduling | Python | Easy |
Is Subsequence | Python | Easy |
Shortest way | Python | Medium |
Minimum arrows | Python | Medium |
String without AAA or BBB | Python | Medium |
Minimum Dominoes | Python | Medium |
Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks | Python | Medium |
Divide and Conquer Challenges
Problem | Solution | Level |
Maximum Subarray sum | Python | Easy |
Longest Common Prefix | Python | Easy |
Problem | Solution | Level |
Combination Sum | Python | Medium |
Path with max gold | Python | Medium |
Palindrome Partitioning | Python | Medium |
Word Search | Python | Medium |
Dynamic Programming
Problem | Solution | Level |
Longest word in dictionary | Python | Easy |
Longest Common Subsequence | Python | Medium |
Minimum path sum | Python | Medium |
Unique Paths | Python | Medium |
Perfect Squares | Python | Medium |
Number of Dice Rolls | Python | Medium |
Target Sum | Python | Medium |
Longest String Chain | Python | Medium |
Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray | Python | Medium |
Integer Break | Python | Medium |
Word Break | Python | Medium |
Number of distinct islands | Python | Medium |
Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix | Python | Hard |
Depth First Search
Problem | Solution | Level |
Is Same Tree | Python | Easy |
Validate BST | Python | Medium |
Friend Circles | Python | Medium |
Max Area of Island | Python | Medium |
Path Sum II | Python | Medium |
Unique Paths III | Python | Hard |
Concatenated Words | Python | Hard |
Longest Consecutive Sequence | Python | Hard |
Breadth First Search
Problem | Solution | Level |
01 Matrix | Python | Medium |
Binary tree right side view | Python | Medium |
Sliding Puzzle | Python | Hard |