Vdbench is a disk I/O workload generator to be used for testing and benchmarking of existing and future storage products.
Vdbench is written in Java with the objective of supporting Oracle heterogeneous^ 1 attachment. At this time I/O has been tested on Solaris Sparc and x86, All flavors^ 2 of Windows, HP/UX, AIX, Linux, Mac OS X, zLinux and RaspBerry Pi.
Note: one or more of these platforms may not be available for this latest release, this due to the fact that a proper^ 3 system for a Java JNI C compile may not have been available at the time of distribution. In this case there will be a readme.txt
file in the OS specific subdirectory, asking for a volunteer to do a small Java JNI C compile.
该工具基于Java开发,旨在支持Oracle的异构连接。目前,已在Solaris Sparc和x86、各版本Windows、HP/UX、AIX、Linux、Mac OS X、zLinux和RaspBerry Pi上测试了I/O性能。
译者注:Oracle 异构连接处理:Oracle不能直接同这些 *异构数据源(非Oracle数据库)*作交互,需要通过Heterogeneous Services协同Agent才能和异构数据源作数据交互。
请注意:在最新版本中,可能有部分平台不支持,这可能是因为在发布时没有合适的系统来进行Java JNI C编译。如果出现这种情况,特定操作系统的子目录中会有一个readme.txt
文件,邀请志愿者进行一次简单的Java JNI C编译。
译者注:Java JNI C compile --- java使用JNI实现c文件的调用
详见[“如何为其他平台编译”](1.38 如何编译Vdbench适配其他平台)