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1.7.4 通用参数概览.md

File metadata and controls

87 lines (79 loc) · 9.67 KB

These parameters must be the first parameters in the parameter file, before any HD, SD or FSD.


详见 通用参数详情.

参数 说明
General parameters
abort_failed_skew=nnn Abort if requested workload skew is off by more than nnn%
compratio=nn Specify the compression ratio of the data pattern used for writes.
concatenatesds=yes See SD Concatenation
create_anchors=yes Create parent directories for FSD anchor^ 1 .
data_errors=nn Terminate after ‘nn’ read/write/data validation errors (default 50)
data_errors=cmd Run command or script ‘cmd’ after first read/write/data validationerror, then terminate.
See also Data Deduplication parameters:
dedupratio= Expected ratio. Default 1 (all blocks are unique).
dedupunit= What size of data does Dedup compare?
dedupsets= How many sets of duplicates.
deduphotsets= Dedicated^ 2 small sets of duplicates
dedupflipflop= Activate the Dedup flip-flop^ 3 logic.
endcmd=cmd Execute command or script at the end of the last run
formatsds= Force a one-time (pre)format of all SDs
formatxfersize= Specify xfersize used when creating, expanding, or (pre)formatting anSD.
fwd_thread_adjust=no Override the default of ‘yes’ to NOT allow FWD thread counts to be adjusted^ 4 because of integer rounding/truncation^ 5 .
histogram=(default,….) Override defaults for response time histogram.
include=/file/name Includes /file/name inline. See above.
ios_per_jvm=nnnnnn Override the 100,000 default warning for ‘i/o or operations per second per slave. This means that YOU will be responsible if you areoverloading your slaves.
journaling parameters:
journal=yes Activate Data Validation and Journaling:
journal=recover Recover existing journal, validate data and run workload
journal=only Recover existing journal, validate data but do not run requestedworkload.
journal=noflush Use asynchronous I/O on journal files
journal=maponly Do NOT write before/after journal records
journal=skip_read_all After journal recovery, do NO read and validate every data block.
journal=(max=nnn) Prevent the journal file from getting larger than nnn bytes
journal=ignore_pending Ignore pending writes during journal recovery.
loop= Repeat all Run Definitions: loop=nn repeat nn timesloop=nn[s|m|h] repeat until nn seconds/minutes/hours See also ‘-l nn’ execution parameter
messagescan=no Do not scan /var/xxx/messages (Solaris or Linux)
messagescan=nodisplay Scan but do not display on console, instead display on slave’s stdout.
messagescan=nnnn Scan, but do not report more than nnn lines. Default 1000
monitor=/file/name See External control of Vdbench termination
pattern= Override the default data pattern generation.
port=nn Override the Java socket port number.
Specifies which SD detail reports to generate. Default is SD totalonly.
Will suppress^ 6 the creation of SD/FSD specific reports.
report_run_totals=yes Reports run totals.
startcmd=cmd Execute command or script at the beginning of the first run
showlba=yes Create a ‘trace’ file so serve as^ 7 input to ./vdbench showlba
timeout=(nn,script) xxxxxxxxxxx
Data Validation parameters:
validate=yes (-vt) Activate Data Validation. Options can be combined:validate=(x,y,z)
validate=read_after_write (-vr) Re-reads a data block immediately after it was written.
validate=no_preread (-vw) Do not read before rewrite, though this defeats the purpose of data validation!
validate=time (-vt) keep track of each write timestamp (memory intensive)
validate=reportdedupsets Reports ‘last time used’ for all duplicate blocks if a duplicate block is found to be corrupted. Also activates validate=time.Note: large SDs with few dedup sets can generate loads of output!