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Every Lab and Excercise Homework for the Softuni JavaScript Advanced course. January 2021

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JavaScript Advanced

Every *almost* Lab and Excercise Homework for the Softuni JavaScript Advanced course. January 2021

В курса "JS Advanced" ще получите задълбочени познания по езика JavaScript, като основи на синтаксиса, работа с масиви, матрици, обекти, класове и писане на функции. Ще изучавате по-сложни концепции като function context, explicit binding, event loop. Курсът ще развие алгоритмичното ви мислене. След успешното завършване на този курс, ще имате възможност да работите с DOM дървото, да правите манипулации по него и да работите с "event"-и. Ще се разглеждат функционалния и ООП подходите за програмиране с JavaScript, като ще се изучават концепции, като inheritance, object composition и prototype chain.

+ Environment Specifics

# Please, be aware that every JS environment may behave differently when executing code. 
# Certain things that work in the browser are not supported in Node.js, which is the environment used by Judge.

-The following actions are NOT supported:
-•	.forEach() with NodeList (returned by querySelector() and querySelectorAll())
-•	.forEach() with HTMLCollection (returned by getElementsByClassName() and element.children)
-•	Using the spread-operator (...) to convert a NodeList into an array

# If you want to perform these operations, you may use Array.from() to first convert the collection into an array.

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Every Lab and Excercise Homework for the Softuni JavaScript Advanced course. January 2021







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