Singularity Registry Server is a server to provide management and storage of Singularity images for an institution or user to deploy locally. It does not manage building but serves endpoints to obtain and save containers.
Singularity Registry consists of several Docker images, and they are integrated to work together using docker-compose.yml.
The images are the following:
- vanessa/sregistry: is the main uWSGI application, which serves a Django (python-based) application.
- nginx: pronounced (engine-X) is the webserver. The starter application is configured for HTTP. However, you should follow our instructions to set up HTTPS properly. Note that we build a custom NGINX image that takes advantage of the nginx-upload-module.
- worker: is the same uWSGI image, but with a running command for queueing jobs and processing them in the background. These jobs run via django-rq backed by a
- redis: database to organize the jobs themselves.
- scheduler jobs can be scheduled using the scheduler.
For more information about Singularity Registry Server, please reference the docs. If you have any issues, please let me know!
This code is licensed under the MPL 2.0 LICENSE.