An open platform for funding teams via a budgets-as-currency framework. See the about page for a more detailed introduction to this project.
There are related projects to the API:
- User Interface: A working UI prototype for wallet and team resources. Code at
- Line charts, chord diagram, arrow diagram: Prototype data visualzations. Code at
Currently in public alpha release, version 0.3-alpha.
Edgar Sioson, s i o s o n e l a.t g.m a i l Donate 1.00 XTE
Released under the MIT License.
There is extensive documentation at
*AMP stack
- Apache 2.4+
- PHP 5.5.9+
- MySQL 5.5+
Clone the repo:
> git clone // or > git clone
Define HOME and fill-in database credentials in config-exmaple.php, then that file SAVE AS to config-public.php. All other types of credentials in the configuration file example are optional. Note that the "-public" label indicates the audience type for which the configuration is targeted, and NOT that this file's contents are meant to be publicly visible.
Install Composer if you don't have it yet:
> curl -s | php // make it callable globally > sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
From the command line:
// domain = whatever you're using for development, such as localhost or > tools/ [domain]
To-do: add php unit tests.
For now: ... (will add more details of the design, testing, documentation tool)