A fully async and easy to use API client for the (internal) OverKiz API. You can use this client to interact with smart devices connected to the OverKiz platform, used by various vendors like Somfy TaHoma and Atlantic Cozytouch.
This package is mainly used by Home Assistant Core, to offer the Overkiz integration. If you want to use this package in your own project, you can use the following examples to get started, or look at the Home Assistant Code for more examples.
- Atlantic Cozytouch
- Bouygues Flexom
- Hitachi Hi Kumo
- Nexity Eugénie
- Rexel Energeasy Connect
- Simu (LiveIn2)
- Somfy Connexoon IO
- Somfy Connexoon RTS
- Somfy TaHoma
- Somfy TaHoma Switch
- Thermor Cozytouch
pip install pyoverkiz
import asyncio
import time
from pyoverkiz.const import SUPPORTED_SERVERS
from pyoverkiz.client import OverkizClient
async def main() -> None:
async with OverkizClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD, server=SUPPORTED_SERVERS["somfy_europe"]) as client:
await client.login()
except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
devices = await client.get_devices()
for device in devices:
print(f"{device.label} ({device.id}) - {device.controllable_name}")
print(f"{device.widget} - {device.ui_class}")
while True:
events = await client.fetch_events()
import asyncio
import time
import aiohttp
from pyoverkiz.client import OverkizClient
from pyoverkiz.const import SUPPORTED_SERVERS, OverkizServer
LOCAL_GATEWAY = "gateway-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.local" # or use the IP address of your gateway
VERIFY_SSL = True # set verify_ssl to False if you don't use the .local hostname
async def main() -> None:
token = "" # you can set the token here for testing purposes, to re-use an earlier generated token
if not token:
# Generate new token via Cloud API
async with OverkizClient(
username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, server=SUPPORTED_SERVERS["somfy_europe"]
) as client:
await client.login()
gateways = await client.get_gateways()
for gateway in gateways:
token = await client.generate_local_token(gateway.id)
await client.activate_local_token(gateway_id=gateway.id, token=token, label="Home Assistant/local-dev")
print(f"Token for {gateway.label} ({gateway.id}):")
print(token) # save this token for future use
# Local Connection
session = aiohttp.ClientSession(
async with OverkizClient(
username="", password="", token=token, session=session, verify_ssl=VERIFY_SSL, server=OverkizServer(
name="Somfy TaHoma (local)",
) as client:
await client.login()
print("Local API connection succesfull!")
print(await client.get_api_version())
setup = await client.get_setup()
devices = await client.get_devices()
for device in devices:
print(f"{device.label} ({device.id}) - {device.controllable_name}")
print(f"{device.widget} - {device.ui_class}")
while True:
events = await client.fetch_events()
If you use Visual Studio Code with Docker or GitHub CodeSpaces, you can leverage the available devcontainer. This will install all required dependencies and tools and has the right Python version available. Easy!
For Linux, install pyenv using pyenv-installer
For MacOS, run
brew install pyenv
Don't forget to update your
file (or similar):export PATH="~/.pyenv/bin:$PATH" eval "$(pyenv init -)"
Install the required dependencies
Install poetry:
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python
Clone this repository
cd python-overkiz-api
Install the required Python version:
pyenv install
Init the project:
poetry install
poetry run pre-commit install