Converts Magento's localization CSV files into the
format expected by PWA Studio.
Ideally PWA Studio would re-use as much of the already existing translations provided by the Magento community as to not require another huge undertaking for the community.
The idea is to:
- Take a JSON file of translations, use each value as a key:
"myComponent.message": "This is an en_US string"
- Find corresponding key for the value,
This is an en_US string
, in an old translation file:
"legacy key string","This is an en_US string"
- Look for
legacy key string
in other translation files:
"legacy key string": "Dies ist ein de_DE Satz"
- Generate new i18n file containing new key but existing value:
"myComponent.message": "Dies ist ein de_DE Satz"
See related thread
After an initial pass, using PWA Studio's i18n/en_US.json and Magento's legacy nl_NL.csv and en_US.csv, we get nl_NL.json
"About Us": "Over ons",
"Contact Us": "Neem contact met ons op",
"Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.": "Copyright © 2013-heden Magento. Alle rechten voorbehouden.",
"Order Status": "Bestelling Status",
"Returns": "Retouren",
"Sign Out": "Uitloggen",
"accountMenu.accountInfoLink": "Accountgegevens",
"accountMenu.addressBookLink": "Adresboek",
"accountMenu.communicationsLink": "Communicatie",
"accountMenu.orderHistoryLink": "Bestelgeschiedenis",
"accountTrigger.signIn": "Inloggen",
"otherComponent.addToCart": "In Winkelwagen",
"searchTrigger.label": "Zoek",
"wishlistItem.addToCart": "In Winkelwagen"
and nl_NL_missed.json
, which are PWA Studio keys/strings that did not match a legacy translation:
" in {label}": " in {label}",
"Account": "Account",
"Email Signup": "Email Signup",
"Follow Us!": "Follow Us!",
"Give Back": "Give Back",
"Help": "Help",
"Hi, {name}": "Hi, {name}",
"Live Chat": "Live Chat",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipsicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipsicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.",
"Our Story": "Our Story",
"Privacy Policy": "Privacy Policy",
"Product Suggestions": "Product Suggestions",
"Register": "Register",
"Terms of Use": "Terms of Use",
"Toggle navigation panel": "Toggle navigation panel",
"accountMenu.favoritesListsLink": "Favorites Lists",
"accountMenu.savedPaymentsLink": "Saved Payments",
"accountMenu.storeCreditLink": "Store Credit & Gift Cards",
"accountTrigger.ariaLabel": "Toggle My Account Menu",
"autocomplete.emptyResult": "No results were found.",
"autocomplete.error": "An error occurred while fetching results.",
"autocomplete.loading": "Fetching results...",
"autocomplete.prompt": "Search for a product",
"autocomplete.resultSummary": "{resultCount} items",
"cartTrigger.ariaLabel": "Toggle mini cart. You have {count} items in your cart.",
"logo.title": "Venia",
"navigationTrigger.ariaLabel": "Toggle navigation panel",
"savedPaymentsPage.addButtonText": "Add a credit card",
"savedPaymentsPage.subHeading": "Credit Cards saved here will be available during checkout.",
"savedPaymentsPage.title": "Saved Payments - {store_name}",
"wishlistItem.addToCartError": "Something went wrong. Please refresh and try again."
Duplicate strings in PWA Studio are also handled:
// original/en_US.json
"wishlistItem.addToCart": "Add to Cart",
"otherComponent.addToCart": "Add to Cart"
// nl_NL.json
"wishlistItem.addToCart": "In Winkelwagen",
"otherComponent.addToCart": "In Winkelwagen",