redis4j is a comprehensive library designed to support Spring Boot projects by simplifying Redis integration. This library manages Redis connections and provides essential Redis services, including setting, getting, and removing keys. Enhance your Spring Boot applications with ease using redis4j.
- Comprehensive set of utility functions.
- Written in Java 1.8.
- Well-documented code for easy understanding.
- Regular updates and maintenance.
git clone --depth 1
curl -d type=groovy-gradle-plugin -d testFramework=testng -d projectName=redis4j -o
Explain how users can interact with the various modules.
To tidy up the project's Java modules, use the following command:
./gradlew clean
make clean
./gradlew jar
make jar
- file
name: redis4j
version: v1.0.0
enabled_link: false # enable compression and attachment of the external libraries
- enabled: false # enable compression and attachment of the external libraries
source: "./../libs/unify4j-v1.0.0.jar" # lib Jar
- enabled: false
source: ""
// The "spring-data-redis" library, version 2.7.8, is a Spring Data module that provides easy configuration and access to Redis from Spring applications,
// offering comprehensive support for Redis operations, including connection management, RedisTemplate, and repository support for Spring Data.
implementation group: '', name: 'spring-data-redis', version: '2.7.8'
// The "spring-integration-redis" library, version 5.5.20, is a Spring Integration module that provides support for Redis-based messaging,
// enabling integration with Redis to send and receive messages, as well as leveraging Redis Pub/Sub capabilities within Spring applications.
// Using runtimeOnly to ensure this dependency is only included at runtime.
runtimeOnly group: 'org.springframework.integration', name: 'spring-integration-redis', version: '5.5.20'
// The "lettuce-core" library, version 6.2.3.RELEASE, is a powerful and thread-safe Redis client for Java,
// providing asynchronous, synchronous, and reactive API support to efficiently interact with Redis servers.
implementation group: 'io.lettuce', name: 'lettuce-core', version: '6.2.3.RELEASE'
// The "jedis" library, version 5.1.3, is a simple and feature-rich Java client for Redis,
// providing synchronous and asynchronous communication with Redis servers to perform various operations and transactions.
implementation group: 'redis.clients', name: 'jedis', version: '5.1.3'
Read more here
# ################################
# Spring Redis4J Config
# 2024-06-16 10:48:54
# ################################
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
redis4j: # Redis4J specific configuration
enabled: false # Toggle to enable or disable Redis4J
debugging: false # Toggle debugging for Redis4J
test_on_borrow: true # Test the connection on borrowing from the pool
test_on_return: true # Test the connection on returning to the pool
test_while_idle: true # Test the connection while idle in the pool
block_when_exhausted: true # Block when the connection pool is exhausted
shared_native_connection: true # Enable sharing of native connections across multiple clients
num_tests_per_eviction_run: 3 # Number of tests to run on eviction
duration_between_eviction_runs: 30s # Time between eviction runs
# The maximum amount of time a Redis command (or operation) can take before it is considered to have timed out.
# This timeout ensures that if a Redis command execution exceeds this duration,
# the client library will abort the operation and throw a timeout exception.
execution_command_timeout: 100ms
redis: # Configuration for the Redis connection
database: 0 # The database index to use (default is 0)
host: # The host where the Redis server is running
port: 6379 # The port on which the Redis server is listening
password: "****" # Optional password to authenticate with Redis (if required)
timeout: 2000ms # The timeout value for connecting to Redis
jedis: # Configuration for connection pooling with Jedis
max-active: 8 # Maximum number of connections in the Jedis pool
max-idle: 8 # Maximum number of idle connections in the Jedis pool
min-idle: 0 # Minimum number of idle connections in the Jedis pool
max-wait: -1ms # Maximum wait time for a connection from the Jedis pool
- Add dependency into file
implementation files('libs/redis4j-v1.0.0.jar') // filename based on and ng.version
- Edit file
main Spring Boot application
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"org.redis4j"}) // root name of package wizard4j
public class ApiApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);