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SiteNav Maven Plugin Build Status

A Maven plugin that generates classes from a given XML sitenav. You can describe your site structure with an xml a this plugin will generate a package and a set of classes reflecting the structure. This should help you in your java/jsp/thymeleaf code (but basically in all your code) with autocompletion (if you're using an IDE) and automatic checking while compiling/running.

It saves you from typo errors and helps you when you need to refactor your site's navigation structure.


Add the plugin repository:


add an execution:


The plugin will look for a sitenav.xml file in your resources and generate classes under the R package.

XML structure

Here is a sample sitenav.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <page path="index">
    <page path="faq" />
    <page alias="about">
    <page alias="category" path="{category}">
        <page alias="product" path="{sku}">
            <page alias="detail">

it always stars with a root node and a set of nested page; a page node can have an alias attribute and a mandatory path attribute and you must provide an alias if the path is not a valid java class name (i.e. reserved words like new or spring mvc path variables like {sku}). The attribute path is not mandatory if you specify a set of nested paths and in this case you MUST provide an alias; paths children are tags that represent 2-letters country codes. Please take a look at test files


Each plugin execution can be configured to fulfill your requirements:

		<!-- defaults value -->
		<!-- configuration>
		</configuration -->
		<configuration><!-- some alternative values -->
			<inputResourceLocation>api.xml</inputResourceLocation><!-- different xml -->
			<outputPackage>API</outputPackage><!-- different output package -->
			<localeResolutionCode>org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()</localeResolutionCode><!-- use spring locale resolution -->
			<testing>true</testing><!-- look for resource in testing folders too -->

Please take a look at test files

Use in your code

Each generated class is an implementation of Page so you can use its methods in your code, here are some examples:

String build = R.category.product.detail.builder().param("test", "value").param("a", "b").param("tnull", null).expand("fruit", "banana").build();

will print (if your default locale is en)



String build = R.category.product.detail.builder(Locale.ITALIAN).param("test", "valore").param("tnull", null).expand("frutta", "banana").build();

will print

  • R.category.product.detail is one the classes created by the generator
  • builder creates an uri builder (with an optional locale; if no argument is passed than localeResolutionCode is used); shortcut method is b
  • param appends a parameter to the uri; shortcut method is p
  • expand expands uri path variables (i.e. {variable}); shortcut method is e
  • build builds the uri; shortcut method is b

With Spring MVC you use the generated classes constants to write error proof @RequestMapping's:

@RequestMapping(value = R.index.path)
@RequestMapping(value = {R.category.product.detail.path_it, R.category.product.detail.path_en})

or a shorter version:

@RequestMapping(value = R.index.p)
@RequestMapping(value = {R.category.product.detail.p_it, R.category.product.detail.p_en})

And you have the same commodity in Spring EL:

${T(R.category$product$detail).b().e("fruit", "banana").b()}

that in thymeleaf becomes:

<a th:href='@{${T(R.index).builder().build()}}'>index</a>
<a th:href='@{${T(R.category$product$detail).b().e("fruit", "banana").b()}}'>banana</a>

Do not forget to look at test files to read more examples! have fun!


A maven plugin to generate classes from an xml sitemap







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