This repository contains code for the paper on 2023 EMNLP Findings: "LLM-in-the-loop: Leveraging Large Language Model for Thematic Analysis"
We propose a human–LLM collaboration framework (i.e., LLM-in-the-loop) to conduct thematic analysis (TA) with in-context learning (ICL). This framework provides the prompt to frame discussions with LLM to generate the final codebook for TA. We demonstrate the utility of this framework using survey datasets on the aspects of the music listening experience and the usage of a password manager. The results and a case study show that the proposed framework yields similar coding quality to that of human coders but reduces TA’s labor and time demands.
The two datasets we used in this work can be found here:
- Music Shuffle:
- Password Manager:
- Python >= 3.8
- jupyter notebook
- OpenAI API Key If you want to use ChatGPT (a GUI interface for using GPT), you can find the prompts we used in the paper.
pip install openai
Put all your free-text responses in a .txt
I am a response.
I am a response as well.
Maybe I am a response.
# We recommend you to store your API key as an environment variable.
# Detailed information:
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
# model-> Default: "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k". You can select the model you prefer. Detailed information:
# temperature-> Default: 0.
responses = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
- Open
withjupyter notebook
- Start the task!
Coming Soon!