A simple node hapi server for practice with handlebars template engine, default layout, partial templates, and helpers.
- trying a new directory structure and entry point
- using bin/www pattern (as used by Codeschool and reportedly, Node personnel)
- trying a wwwd entry point for debug (node-debug)
- Handlebars, Partials and Helpers
- Testing payload for existing string segments (using lab)
- running custom scripts via npmjs
- npm run debug
- where debug launches node-inspector
- npm run debug
- I found the documentation for handlebars (at npmjs.org and handlebars.js) to be bit confusing
- I think mostly because they are both geared toward using handlebars directly/explicitly as client side javascript
- hapi takes care of the majority of that for you, when configuring handlebars as the template engine
- To get a better understanding of handlebars, I also read mustache docs
- and the hapi api docs for views (and their tutorial)
- http://futurestud.io/blog/how-to-create-a-dynamic-handlebars-layout-template-in-hapijs/
- An appreciated example, but a bit light on where to go from here, or how to achieve a slightly more complex example
- an example with multiple pages would have been helpful (mostly to demonstrate best practices [structure] for multiple templates)
- also, would like to see an example using partials
- An appreciated example, but a bit light on where to go from here, or how to achieve a slightly more complex example