This template will create the directories and basic files needed to start a web project in C Sharp. I adapted it from Sayed I. Hashimi's article. The directory structure and file contents are from Epicodus C Sharp curriculum and may not be suited for all projects.
The project files generated will have starter content as outlined in the Epicodus C Sharp course. The template will give relevant namespaces and paths for your project (i.e. TemplateMVC will be replaced everywhere with the name you give to your project - YourProjectName).
The directory/file structure created is:
├── .gitignore
├── YourProjectName
│ ├── Program.cs
│ ├── Startup.cs
│ ├── YourProjectName.csproj
│ │
│ ├── Controllers
│ │ ├── HomeController.cs
│ │ └── YourClassController.cs
│ │
│ ├── Models
│ │ └── YourClass.cs
│ │
│ ├── Views
│ │ ├── YourClass
│ │ │ ├── DeleteAll.cshtml
│ │ │ ├── Index.cshtml
│ │ │ ├── New.cshtml
│ │ │ └── Show.cshtml
│ │ │
│ │ ├── Home
│ │ │ └── Index.cshtml
│ │ │
│ │ └── Shared
│ │ └── _Layout.cshtml
│ │
│ └── wwwroot
│ ├── css
│ │ ├── bootstrap.min.css
│ │ └── styles.css
│ │
│ └── js
│ ├── bootstrap.min.js
│ └── scripts.js
└── YourProjectName.Tests
├── YourProjectName.Tests.csproj
├── ControllerTests
│ ├── HomeControllerTests.cs
│ └── YourClassControllerTests.cs
└── ModelTests
└── YourClassTests.cs
There is a lot more a person could do with this, but I'm keeping this simple for now, trying to stay within the scope of the type of projects we're currently doing at Epicodus. I will be adding to it as the course continues.
- Expect:
Input: some input;
Output: some output;
Clone the code from GitHub.
While following this set up guide, replace both the brackets - [] - and the content between them with the information relevant to your situation. This is just an example guide.
Install the template using the command line interface (cli)/terminal:
- dotnet new --install [ /Users/Your/Path/Here ]/TemplateMVC.Solution
For example: When cloned to the Epicodus computer Desktop, the path would be /Users/Guest/Desktop/TemplateMVC.Solution. The above command would then be:
- dotnet new --install /Users/Guest/Desktop/TemplateMVC.Solution
Navigate to the directory that you want your project to be in (i.e. Desktop, Documents, or wherever you keep your projects).
Run the this command in the cli/terminal:
- dotnet new templatemvc -n [ YourProjectName ] -o [ YourProjectName ].Solution
For example: If your project is called Banana the command would be:
- dotnet new templatemvc -n Banana -o Banana.Solution
Remove .git directory: run this command in YourProjectName.Solution directory.
- rm -rf .git
Be sure to git init again for a fresh start!
Open the directory in your text editor. Open the .template.config/template.json file and change the author name to your own. Read the article mentioned above for details on this file and how this template was created.
Scott Bergler ::
HTML, CSS, Json, C#.
Licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2018 ** Scott Bergler **