- atof() --> converts string to double
- bsearch() --> performs binary search on a sorten array
- calloc() --> allocates a block of memory and initializes it to 0
- abs() --> returns the absolute value of an integer
- div() --> quotient and remainder of an integer
- free() --> de-allocates a block of memory
- getenv() --> returns pointer to environment variable passed
- labs() --> absolute value of a long or long int
- malloc() --> allocates a block of uninitialized memory
- qsort() --> sorts an array using quick-sort algorithm
- realloc() --> reallocates a block of previously allocated memory
- srand() --> seeds a pseudo random number for rand()
- strtol() --> converts a string to an integer
- strtoull() --> converts string to unsigned long long int
Collection of typedef symbols and structures Find details here and here