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  • A Streamlabs Chatbot script that will configure your bot to say hello to users saying hello.
  • Download the latest version (v1.2.0) of the script here.

Table of Contents

Hello to you too

  • Whenever a user starts a chat message with any of the greetings below, the bot will randomly say a greeting back at the user.
  • The cooldown per user can be configured for a long duration (up to 4 hours).
  • This prevents your Chatbot from saying hello to people who were replying to someone else.
  • Streamlabs Chatbot scripts require that you have Python 2.7.13 installed on your local machine.
  • You can download Python 2.7.13 from the official Python Software Foundation Download page.
  • Run the msi file to install Python 2.7.13. You can do this by double-clicking the file.
  • Go through the Python 2.7.13 installer wizard.
  • By default, the installer will save Python in C:\Python27
  • In Streamlabs Chatbot, select the Scripts tab on the left menu.
  • Select the Settings button settings button in the top right corner of the tab.

global script settings

  • This will open up the Global Scrip Settings page for Streamlabs Chatbot
  • Click the Pick Folder under the Python 2.7.13 Directory section
  • This will open up a file explorer. Select the folder of \Python27\lib folder.
    • The default Python installation path is C:\Python27\lib
  • Streamlabs Chatbot supports importing scripts as Zip files.
  • To download the SLCBInternationalHello Zip file:
    • Find the latest release by go to the latest release page
    • Find all the releases, including older versions, by going to releases tab
    • For the version you want to use, click the link to download the Streamlabs Chatbot compatible Zip file.

Streamlabs Chatbot Screenshot

  • In Streamlabs Chatbot, select the Scripts tab on the left menu.
  • Select the Import button import button in the top right corner of the tab.
  • This will open up a file explorer. Select the downloaded Zip file.
  • In your File Explorer, go to the folder where Streamlabs Chatbot is installed.
    • By default, Streamlabs Chatbot will be installed in C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\Streamlabs\Streamlabs Chatbot
  • From the Streamlabs Chatbot folder, go to \Services\Scripts. This is where Streamlabs Chatbot installs all the scripts.
  • Delete any folders that start with SLCBInternationalHello.
  • In the Streamlabs Chatbot Scripts panel, click the Reload button refresh button to upload your scripts.
  • The International Hello script should now be removed.
  • Click the name of the script to open up the configuration panel on the left side of Streamlabs Chatbot.
  • When you make any settings changes, you must click the Save Settings button.
    • Only when the Save Settings button is pressed with the settings take affect.

Core settings group

  • The Core settings group contains the basic operational configurations for the script.
  • Opens the README file for this script.
  • The README file is an HTML version of this document -
  • The Permission dropdown uses the standard Streamlab Chatbot permission levels.
  • The possible options are:
    • everyone
    • moderator
    • subscriber
    • user_specific
    • editor
  • The Info textbox is for when Permission is set to user_specific.
  • Enter the user name that you specifically want to have access to this script.
  • The Cooldown slider is to set the duration between replies to a specific user.
  • The Cooldown is set to a long period of time to stop the Chatbot from spamming the channel when other people reply to a user initially greeting the chat.

Customization settings group

  • The Customization settings group contains the configuration that allow you to personalize the scripts behaviour.
  • The Enable Custom Commands checkbox turns on custom input commands in the Custom Commands section.
  • Enable this feature if you want the script to be triggered by your own custom commands.
  • The Custom Commands textbox is for when Enable Custom Commands checkbox is turned on.
  • Enter your own custom input commands that will trigger a greeting response.
  • Your custom input commands must:
    • Be a single word
    • Be semi-colon separated for multiple custom commands
  • Example: When you enter !hello;banana;heyo!, when a user enters !hello, banana, or heyo! into chat, the script will reply with a greeting.
  • The Enable Custom Outputs checkbox turns on custom output greetings in the Custom Outputs section.
  • Enable this feature if you want the script to reply with your own custom greetings whenever a user says hello.
  • The Custom Output Percentage slider is for when Enabled Custom Outputs checkbox is turned on.
  • Set the value to the percentage of replies you want to be picked from your pool of custom greetings.
  • The values range from 0% (i.e. never picking from your pool of custom greetings) to 100% (i.e. always picking from your pool of custom greetings).
  • The Custom Outputs textbox is for when Enabled Custom Outputs checkbox is turned on.
  • Enter your own custom output greetings that will be sent to the user whenever the user triggers a greeting.
  • Your custom output commands must:
    • Be sem-colon separated for multiple custom commands
    • Can be multiple words
  • Example: When you enter You had me at hello;Say hello to my little friend;Live long and prosper, the pool of custom output greetings are:
    • You had me at hello
    • Say hello to my little friend
    • Live long and prosper
  • When a custom greeting is triggered, it will randomly select one from the custom greetings pool.

Developer settings group

  • The Developer settings group contains the configurations for developers to debug the script. Please only use if you are an expert!
  • The Enable Logging checkbox turns on very aggressive logging for this script.
  • Enable this to help the development and debugging the script.
  • It is not recommended you leave this on because it will make your log files large.
  • This script currently will reply with the following greetings:
Greeting Pronouncation Language
Hello English
Greetings English
Hi English
Hey English
Allo French
Bonjour French
Top-o-the-morning English
Hola Spanish
Ciao Italian
Buongiorno Italian
Hallo German
Guten tag German
Moin moin German
Namaste Hindi
Salaam Farsi
Merhaba Turkish
Szia Hungarian
Hej Swedish, Danish
Zdravo Croatian
Ahoj Czech
Kamusta Flipino
Hei Finnish, Norwegian
God dag Norwegian
Halo Indonesian
Sveiki Latvian
Salut Romanian, etc
Ahoj Slovak
Sawubona Zulu
Hullo Scottish
Dia dhuit Gaelic
G'day Australian
Aloha Hawaiian
Tere Estonian
Howdy American
xin chào Vietnamese
Dzień dobry Polish
Olá Portugese
สวัสดี swasdi Thai
こんにちは Kon'nichiwa Japanese
もしもし Moshi Moshi Japanese
여보세요 yeoboseyo Korean
Сайн уу Sain uu Mongolian
Сәлеметсіз бе Salemetsiz be Kazakh
Привет Privet Russian
你好 Ni Hao Chinese
Përshëndetje Albanian
ሰላም selami Amharic
مرحبا marhabaan Arabic
γεια σας geia sas Greek
Kedụ Igbo
Bawo ni Yoruba
  • To setup the project, run make install
    • For Windows development environments, you can run make install-win to additionally install the .NET dependencies.
  • To run tests, run make test
  • To build the Streamlabs Chatbot zip file for release, run make release
  • To reset the environment, run make clean
  • Streamlabs ChatBot is a .Net application that uses the pythonnet module to integrate with Python.
  • This shows up in the script as import clr.
  • Run make install-win to install the pythonnet module.
  • You should be able to directly run the script now.
    • This is currently untested. Please provide feedback!
  • A way to get pythonnet to install properly in the virtual environment has not bee found.
    • The instructions provided by pythonnet here have not worked.
  • Testing is limited to "testing on prod" by installing the script in Streamlabs ChatBot.
  • If you do not have access to the CircleCI artifacts, you can manually build the release zip file.
  • Run make release to build the zip file.
  • Import it via the Importing Scripts into Streamlabs Chatbot