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Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore GitHub license NuGet NuGet

Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore is an add-on that builds on top of our Skybrud.Essentials package, and it provides various logic that makes it easier to work with different parts of ASP.NET Core - eg. parsing query strings and reading request headers..

License: MIT License
Target Frameworks: .NET 5, .NET 6 and .NET 7



To install the package via NuGet, you can use either .NET CLI:

dotnet add package Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore --version 1.0.0

or the older Nuget package manager:

Install-Package Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore -Version 1.0.0


Extension methods for HttpRequest

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore

@inject IHttpContextAccessor HttpContextAccessor


    HttpRequest request = HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request;

    Uri uri = request.GetUri();
    <pre>Scheme: @uri.Scheme</pre>
    <pre>Host: @uri.Host</pre>
    <pre>Port: @uri.Port</pre>
    <pre>PathAndQuery: @uri.PathAndQuery</pre>
    <pre>ToString: @uri.ToString()</pre>
    <pre>Authority: @uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority)</pre>
    <pre>PathAndQuery: @uri.PathAndQuery</pre>

    <hr />

    <pre>Remote Address: @request.GetRemoteAddress()</pre>
    <pre>Accept Types: @request.GetAcceptTypes()</pre>
    <pre>Accept Encoding: @request.GetAcceptEncoding()</pre>
    <pre>Accept Languages: @request.GetAcceptLanguage()</pre>
    <pre>User Agent: @request.GetUserAgent()</pre>
    <pre>Referrer: @request.GetReferrer()</pre>


Extension methods for IQueryCollection


@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore

    IQueryCollection query = new QueryCollection(new Dictionary<string, StringValues> {
        {"id", new StringValues("1")},
        {"ids", new StringValues(new []{"1", "2", "3"})},
        {"moreIds", new StringValues(new []{"5,6", "7", "8"})}

    // Prints "1"
    string? id = query.GetString("id");

    // Prints "1,2,3"
    string[] ids = query.GetStringArray("ids");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", ids)</pre>

    // Prints "5,6,7,8"
    List<string> moreIds = query.GetStringList("moreIds");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", moreIds)</pre>

    // Prints "'nope' not found"
    if (query.TryGetString("nope", out string? nope)) {
    } else {
        <pre>'nope' not found.</pre>



@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore

    IQueryCollection query = new QueryCollection(new Dictionary<string, StringValues> {
        {"id", new StringValues("1")},
        {"ids", new StringValues(new []{"1", "2", "3"})},
        {"moreIds", new StringValues(new []{"5,6", "7", "8"})}

    // Prints "1"
    int id = query.GetInt32("id");

    // Prints "2" (via fallback)
    int id2 = query.GetInt32("id2", 2);

    // Prints "" (since null is rendered as empty)
    int? id3 = query.GetInt32OrNull("id3");

    // Prints "1,2,3"
    int[] ids = query.GetInt32Array("ids");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", ids)</pre>

    // Prints "5,6,7,8"
    List<int> moreIds = query.GetInt32List("moreIds");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", moreIds)</pre>

    // Prints "'nope' not found"
    if (query.TryGetInt32("nope", out int? nope)) {
    } else {
        <pre>'nope' not found.</pre>



@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore

    IQueryCollection query = new QueryCollection(new Dictionary<string, StringValues> {
        {"id", new StringValues("1")},
        {"ids", new StringValues(new []{"1", "2", "3"})},
        {"moreIds", new StringValues(new []{"5,6", "7", "8"})}

    // Prints "1"
    long id = query.GetInt64("id");

    // Prints "2" (via fallback)
    long id2 = query.GetInt64("id2", 2);

    // Prints "" (since null is rendered as empty)
    long? id3 = query.GetInt64OrNull("id3");

    // Prints "1,2,3"
    long[] ids = query.GetInt64Array("ids");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", ids)</pre>

    // Prints "5,6,7,8"
    List<long> moreIds = query.GetInt64List("moreIds");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", moreIds)</pre>

    // Prints "'nope' not found"
    if (query.TryGetInt64("nope", out long? nope)) {
    } else {
        <pre>'nope' not found.</pre>



@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore

    IQueryCollection query = new QueryCollection(new Dictionary<string, StringValues> {
        {"pi", new StringValues("3.14")},
        {"values", new StringValues(new []{"3.14", "6.28", "9.42"})},
        {"otherValues", new StringValues(new []{"3.14,6.28", "9.42"})}

    // Prints "3.14"
    float pi = query.GetFloat("pi");

    // Prints "1.23" (via fallback)
    float meh = query.GetFloat("meh", 1.23f);

    // Prints "" (since null is rendered as empty)
    float? meh2 = query.GetFloatOrNull("meh");

    // Prints "3.14,6.28,9.42"
    float[] values = query.GetFloatArray("values");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", values)</pre>

    // Prints "3.14,6.28,9.42"
    List<float> otherValues = query.GetFloatList("otherValues");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", otherValues)</pre>

    // Prints "'nope' not found"
    if (query.TryGetFloat("nope", out float? nope)) {
    } else {
        <pre>'nope' not found.</pre>



@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore

    IQueryCollection query = new QueryCollection(new Dictionary<string, StringValues> {
        {"pi", new StringValues("3.1415926535")},
        {"values", new StringValues(new []{"3.1415926535", "6.283185307", "9.4247779605"})},
        {"otherValues", new StringValues(new []{"3.1415926535,6.283185307", "9.4247779605"})}

    // Prints "3.1415926535"
    double pi = query.GetDouble("pi");

    // Prints "1.23" (via fallback)
    double meh = query.GetDouble("meh", 1.23);

    // Prints "" (since null is rendered as empty)
    double? meh2 = query.GetDoubleOrNull("meh");

    // Prints "3.1415926535,6.283185307,9.4247779605"
    double[] values = query.GetDoubleArray("values");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", values)</pre>

    // Prints "3.1415926535,6.283185307,9.4247779605"
    List<double> otherValues = query.GetDoubleList("otherValues");
    <pre>@string.Join(",", otherValues)</pre>

    // Prints "'nope' not found"
    if (query.TryGetDouble("nope", out double? nope)) {
    } else {
        <pre>'nope' not found.</pre>



@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
@using Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore

    IQueryCollection query = new QueryCollection(new Dictionary<string, StringValues> {
        {"a", new StringValues("true")},
        {"b", new StringValues("1")}

    // Prints "True"
    bool a = query.GetBoolean("a");

    // Prints "True"
    bool b = query.GetBoolean("b");

    // Prints "False"
    bool c = query.GetBoolean("c");

    // Prints "True" (via fallback)
    bool d = query.GetBoolean("d", true);

    // Prints "" (since null is rendered as empty)
    bool? e = query.GetBooleanOrNull("e");

    // Prints "'nope' not found"
    if (query.TryGetBoolean("nope", out bool? nope)) {
    } else {
        <pre>'nope' not found.</pre>


Forcing API controllers to use Newtonsoft.Json

By default, ASP.NET Core uses the logic within the System.Text.Json namespace to serialize models to JSON. If you wish to use the Newtonsoft.Json package instead, there are a few different approaches for doing so:

Use the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson package

This package let's you set up all your API controllers to use Newtonsoft.Json for serializing JSON. This is a global setting, so be aware that this may affect parts of your application that it shouldn't.

You don't need Skybrud.Essentials.AspNetCore when using this approach.

Use the NewtonsoftJsonResult class

As an alternative to enabling the use of Newtonsoft.Json globally, you can use the NewtonsoftJsonResult class from this package. This let's you determine the output an method level - eg. have a controller where some methods use the default System.Text.Json, but where others use Newtonsoft.Json.

This NewtonsoftJsonResult extends ASP.NET Core's ContentResult class, and serves as a wrapper for your response body. You may use the NewtonsoftJsonResult constructor directly, which then let's you specify a HTTP status code and a value representing your response body. But the class also features a number of static methods for creating a new response with a specific status code:

public ActionResult Hello() {
    return NewtonsoftJsonResult.Ok(new { yay = true } );
public ActionResult OhNoes() {
  return NewtonsoftJsonResult.InternalError("The server made a boo boo.");

The NewtonsoftJsonResult.Ok and NewtonsoftJsonResult.Created methods are used for creating successful responses, so they both take a single parameter representing the response body.

On the other hand, the NewtonsoftJsonResult.BadRequest, NewtonsoftJsonResult.Unauthorized, NewtonsoftJsonResult.Forbidden, NewtonsoftJsonResult.NotFound and NewtonsoftJsonResult.InternalError represent responsens wrapping an error, so they take a single string parameter with an error message.

For instance, the NewtonsoftJsonResult.InternalError("The server made a boo boo.") from before will result in a response with a 500 status code and the following JSON body:

  "meta": {
    "code": 500,
    "error": "The server made a boo boo."

Use NewtonsoftJsonOnlyConfigurationAttribute on the controller

If you wish to set this up at the controller level, you can add the NewtonsoftJsonOnlyConfigurationAttribute to your API controller:

public class MyController : Controller {

    public ActionResult Hello() {
        return new { yay = true };
