Week 7 : FAKEBOOK (2021.07.15- 2021.07.23)
Repository :
- Backend :https://github.com/ombreman/cloneproject_backend
- Front : https://github.com/ombreman/cloneproject_frontend
Frontend Member:
- Minju Jung : https://github.com/minjujung
- Jihyuk Choi: https://github.com/choijeehyuk
Backend Member:
- Changgil Jeong: https://github.com/ombreman
- Skyler Minsu Bang: https://github.com/skylermbang
Project Name Fakebook ( facebook clone coding project)
Project Background
Do you want to share your favorite movie with your friends? Please ask them to join our MovieTalk We can share the movie and leave the comments
Implemented Features
Sign up Create an Account
Check ID
Check PW
Log in
Log out
Write/edit/delte a post
Write/edit/delte a comment
Live chat
Login status
Demo video
Demonstration Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBZ22u1n6HU
Node Package
NPM Package cors Security dotenv loads environment express Web Framework jsonwebtoken JWT token moment Data time foramt mongoose Mongo DB multer multipart/form-data nodemon monitor script object-hash Crpyto module socket.io realtime Framework