Raw email generator, port of https://github.com/muratgozel/MIMEText
Useful when working with Amazon SES, Google Gmail or Cloudflare Email Workers.
import { createMimeMessage } from 'jsr:@skymethod/mimetext';
const msg = createMimeMessage();
msg.setSender({ name: 'Example Sender', addr: 'from@example.com' });
msg.setSubject('🚀 Hello world!');
msg.addMessage({ contentType: 'text/plain', data: `Hi,\nThis is a simple text message.` });
const raw = msg.asRaw();
import { createMimeMessage } from 'jsr:@skymethod/mimetext';
const msg = createMimeMessage();
msg.setRecipient('Firstname Lastname <first@example.com>'); // 'To' field by default
msg.setRecipient('Firstname Lastname <second@example.com>', { type: 'Cc' }); // To, Cc, Bcc
msg.setRecipient({ addr: 'third@example.com', name: 'Firstname Lastname', type: 'Bcc' });
msg.setSubject('Testing 🐬 (Text/HTML/Mixed attachments)');
// support both plain-text and html
contentType: 'text/plain',
data: 'Hello there,\n\nThis is a the text part!',
contentType: 'text/html',
data: 'Hello there,<br><br>' +
'This is the <b>html part</b>.<br><br>' +
'The term \'html part\' above should be bold.<br><br>' +
'Below, there should be a small image:<br><br>' +
'<img src="cid:dots123456">', // specify inline attachment's content id (declared below)
// attachments
filename: 'sample.jpg',
contentType: 'image/jpg',
data: '...base64 encoded data...',
filename: 'sample.txt',
contentType: 'text/plain',
data: '...base64 encoded data...',
inline: true, // this is inline attachment!
filename: 'dots.jpg',
contentType: 'image/jpg',
data: '...base64 encoded data...',
headers: { 'Content-ID': 'dots123456' }, // referenced in html part
const raw = msg.asRaw();