- Title: [A title that briefly captures the subject of the RFC]
- Start Date: [Data in Month Day, Year, for example October 5, 2021]
- Implementation PR: [Implementation PR number for implementation of RFC]
- Tracking issue: [Tracking issue for implementation of RFC]
- Author: [Your name Your e-mail]
- Supersedes: [Add RFC number if your RFC will supersede any previous RFC]
[Add a brief summary of the RFC here]
[Add some background on why this is required]
[Add your description of the RFC here]
[Add implementation details here (if any)]
[List any drawbacks of implementing this change in Skytable]
[List any possible alternatives here]
[Add an ordered list of unresolved questions. These questions will be reviewed during the comment period(s).]
[Add some (optional) information on how this change will affect the experience for Skytable users]