This tool provides an automatic calibration method for external parameters estimate between multiple Livox LiDARs.
Fig.1 Red: Base LiDAR mapping result, Green: Target LiDAR automatic calibration
Cmake, PCL1.7, Eigen
We recommended to install ROS directly, which including the above libraries
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-cv-bridge ros-kinetic-tf ros-kinetic-message-filters ros-kinetic-image-transport
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This operation will generate three files, namely mapping, calibration, fitline
mapping: Mapping Tool
calibration: Automatic Calibration Tool
fitline: Fit the calibration parameters and calculate the final calibration matrix and Quaternion
Put the base LiDAR data into: data/Base_LiDAR_Frames/.pcd (Use 100000.pcd as the first frame file name, and the subsequent frames are accumulated upward)
Put the target LiDAR data into: data/Target_LiDAR_Frames/.pcd (Use 100000.pcd as the first frame file name, and the subsequent frames are accumulated upward)
Put the initial matrix data into: data/Init_Matrix.txt
Note: The base LiDAR data and the target LiDAR data need to be synchronized in time as much as possible, and the file name and time stamp correspond to synchronization.
Download example data set
cd livox_calibration
cp build/
cd build
The script first starts the visualize mapping program mapping,Use base LiDAR to build a submap. After that, the script starts calibration program to automatic calibration target LiDAR to base LiDAR,estimated the calibration parameters for each frames. Finally, the script launchs the Curve fitter fitline,to estimate the final parameter matrix.
Fig.2 Out put result of example data set
- Must ensure the data synchronization between sensors
- Must ensure the precision of base LiDAR mapping result
- The movement of the data collection vehicle or platform must be as slow as possible, and we recommended to correct the motion distortion between each frames to ensure the final accuracy
- The accurate initial external parameter matrix is not needed, but it should be roughly aligned to ensure the final accuracy as much as possible
- For Mid-40, Horizon models, the converted PCD file refers to 100ms as one frame
You can get support from Livox with the following methods:
- Send email to with a clear description of your problem and your setup
- Github Issues
Developer: Livox