Lightweight python server that implements Strava Oauth Web Flow
This repo comes with pre-configured Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml, which allows direct deployment by simply running:
make build
Before using set environmental variables that represent your application:
export STRAVA_CLIENT_ID=<the-actual-id>
export STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET=<the-actual-secret>
git clone
cd strava-oauth
pipenv shell
pipenv install --pre
Run the server:
In the web browser go to:
- You will be redirected to the Strava authorization page
- After authorization is granted, the browser will display a raw JSON with the authorization tokens
- Take it from here and build on it
Example Response
"token_type": "Bearer",
"access_token": "987654321234567898765432123456789",
"athlete": {
#{summary athlete representation}
"refresh_token": "1234567898765432112345678987654321",
"expires_at": 1531378346,
"state": ""
Before you start, set the application url, where the Strava callbacks will be redirected:
export APP_URL=<>
In this case the callbacks will be redirected to
Some gotchas:
If you run docker directly from the terminal (e.g. not in the docker-machine), the docker containers will be spawned at the localhost. In this case you don't need to specify the APP_URL. The server will be run as in the Quick start case - at
If you run docker on the docker-machine, with a given IP, you will need to figure out how to redirect to this IP. The easiest way is to set
. Then add to the /etc/hosts the following line:<docker-machine IP>
. This will send all Strava redirects to the docker-machine IP
This server is built on python-responder, which is an awesome Python API Framework for Humans(TM), but is in active development phase ... that is why I use --pre and --skip-lock for example.