Computer-generated datasets for use in sleep diary applications. All files are provided under the CC0 license, so are available for use without restriction.
These diaries have been produced using a Python program that generates the same data every time it is run on the same platform. The output should be identical to the available datasets below when run on a system where the reproducibility_information()
function returns the following:
Version of Common Sleep Diaries: 0.0.1
Version of Python: 3.9.12 (main, Mar 24 2022, 13:02:21) ; [GCC 11.2.0]
Implementation: namespace(name='cpython', cache_tag='cpython-39', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=9, micro=12, releaselevel='final', serial=0), hexversion=50924784, _multiarch='x86_64-linux-gnu')
If your system returns different reproducibility_information
, you can see whether the output is the same by comparing the output of
on your system with the available datasets below.
- person with no interesting sleep issues (view source)
- person who sets an alarm for 7am on weekdays (view source)
- person who has Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (view source)
- person who has Non-24 Sleep-Wake Disorder (view source)
These datasets only provide a basic resemblance to each condition, and are primarily intended for use in testing new software. See also the machine-readable list of datasets.
- a library to generate datasets (view source)
- an example program using the library (view source)
- the program used to generate the datasets above (view source)
To the extent possible under law,
Sleep Diary Authors
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
Sleep Diary Resources.
This work is published from:
United Kingdom.