Rsk blockchain explorer
HTTP/WS server, see the documentation here.
Imports blockchain data from rsk node to DB.
- blocksRouter: routes messages between services REQUIRED
- blocksListener: listens to new blocks from node and announces them as service event.
- blocksRequester: requests blocks from node.
- blocksChecker: checks database for missing blocks and reorgs, emits missing/bad blocks.
- txPool: listens to node transactions pool and stores changes in the DB.
- blocksBalances: gets historical addresses balances and stores in the DB.
- blocksStatus: checks DB and node status and stores changes in the DB.
- blocksStats: gets BC stats and stores in the DB.
Allows to update fields on the fly and send async response to clients. Required by the contract verification module.
- mongodb > 4
- node >= 12.18.2
- access to JSON/RPC interface of a rskj node >= 2.0.1 with this modules enabled: eth, net, web3, txpool, debug and trace.
- Install dependencies
npm install
sudo mkdir /var/log/rsk-explorer
sudo chown $USER /var/log/rsk-explorer/
chmod 755 /var/log/rsk-explorer
Note: You can change the log folder in config.json
cp config-example.json config.json
see configuration
Services can be started manually one by one, but we recommend to use PM2. This repo includes a pm2 ecosystem file that starts all services automatically.
npm install -g pm2
To enable pm2 log rotation
pm2 install pm2-logrotate
see pm2-logrotate see pm2-logrotate configuration to set the rotation options
pm2 set pm2-logrotate:compress true
pm2 start dist/services/blocks.config.js
pm2 start dist/api/api.config.js
All tasks
:~/rsk-explorer-api$ pm2 log --raw | npx bunyan
One task
:~/rsk-explorer-api$ pm2 log blocksListener --raw | npx bunyan
Run api in development mode
npm run dev
Run blocks service in development mode
npm run blocks
Production build to ./dist folder
npm run build
config.json See defaults on: lib/defaultConfig (config.json overrides this values)
node dist/tools/showConfig.js
to check current configuration
Configuration Example:
"source": {
"node": "localhost",
"port": 4444
"api": {
"address": "localhost",
"port": 3003
"db": {
"server": "localhost",
"port": 27017,
"database": "blockDB"
The contractVerifier module requires a connection to a rsk-contract-verifier instance. The url must be provided on api section:
"contractVerifier": {
"url": "ws://localhost:3008"
Address of rskj node or array of addresses of rskj nodes
{ "url":"http://localhost:4444" },
{ "url":"http://othernode:4444" }
- server": "localhost"
- port": 27017
- database: "explorerDB"
- user: < user >
- password: < password >
- validateCollections :[Boolean] Validate collections at blocks service start, default false
- blocksQueueSize:[Number] blocksRequester queue size
- bcTipSize:[Number] Number of confirmations required to check blocks
- debug:[Boolean] Enable logging of nod3 requests, default false
- services:[Object] {ServiceName:[Boolean]}. All services are enabled as default, to disable a service use: serviceName:false
address [string] api server bind address
port [number] api server port
allowUserEvents [boolean]: enable/disable userEventsApi
exposeDoc [boolean]: serve rsk-openapi-ui on /doc to render swagger.json