- note: s6 no longer ships with gem; fix!!! default theme manifest - use s6blank
- if manifest not found -- provide better error!!!! e.g. manifest not found; use $ slideshow install s6blank or something
allow many files as inputs will only generate/build ONE slideshow
-> no longer possible to pass in many slide shows at once (has anyone ever used this option?)
add -n/--name option for setting @name for output generation
allow css and js input files get (auto-add) to
- content_for :css
- content_for :js
- etc.
also add extra_css/css header for easy adding extra css in config or header etc.
same for js ;-)
allow heading 1 AND heading 2
use heading 1 for sections
use heading 2 for slides
add/allow --- for slide separator
move all references about textile to attic (textile no longer supported in core - out-of-the-box - sorry)
use kramdown (markdown) for latex conversion
update/use rouge; move coderay and ?? to deprecated (and/or attic)