Here's a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions to try.
Some static site generators have settings to change how static files are outputted.
Use a host provider that supports better the static files created by your static site generator.
Look into your current host provider options to fine-tune how files are served.
It is possible to change from one static file pattern /myPath.html
to another /myPath/index.html
Notice that most host providers don't create redirect if both files are present, so you could also use both patterns at the same time.
A simple Node.js script can be used to process your static site before deployment, for example:
const glob = require('glob-promise');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
// /myPath/index.html => /myPath.html
async function generateSimpleHtmlFiles(outDir) {
const pattern = path.join(outDir, '/**/index.html');
const filePaths = (await glob(pattern)).filter(filePath => {
return filePath !== path.join(outDir, '/index.html');
await Promise.all( filePath => {
if ((await fs.stat(filePath)).isDirectory()) {
const filePathCopy = `${path.dirname(filePath)}.html`;
if (await fs.pathExists(filePathCopy)) {
} else {
await fs.copyFile(filePath, filePathCopy);
generateSimpleHtmlFiles("/public"); // Your static site output folder