Installation Of GoPiGo3 Software on PiOS Bookworm
- UNOFFICIAL - Do Not contact ModularRobotics for support on this configuration
- For Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 5
- Removed GoPiGo3 software I2C
- I2C devices must use hardware I2C bus connectors (not AD1 or AD2)
- Updated distance_sensor and easy_distance_sensor to default to hardware I2C
- Does not install GoPiGo3 desktop apps
- PiOS Bookworm 32-bit Desktop
- PiOS Bookworm 64-bit Desktop
- System must have pi user
- Must be user pi when running this script
- Must be connected to Internet for the install
python3 /home/pi/Dexter/GoPiGo3/Software/Python/Examples/