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Analog of anonymous class in Swift.

SwiftAnonymousClass adds function _new in your project.

public func _new<Type>(owner: AnyObject? = nil, _ objectCreator:()->Type) -> Type

Let's say you have a protocol:

protocol Greeting {
    func sayHello() -> String

You need a class wich says hello.

let object: Greeting = _new {
  class NoName: Greeting {
    func sayHello() -> String {
      return "hello from no name class"
  return NoName()


More real example:

        let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        var downloadsSession = URLSession(configuration: configuration,
                                          delegate: _new {
                                            class NoName: NSObject, URLSessionDownloadDelegate {
                                                func urlSession(_ session: URLSession,
                                                                downloadTask: URLSessionDownloadTask,
                                                                didFinishDownloadingTo location: URL) {
                                                    print("Finished downloading to \(location).")
                                            return NoName()
                                          delegateQueue: nil)

Note URLSession stores it's delegate strongly but, usually delegates are stored weakly. So you will get nil if just use some.delegate = _new {...}. Firstly you need to store it strongly. To do this you may use owner parameter of _new function. This parameter will bind lifetime of _new object and owner new anonimous object will be removed on deinit of owner.


protocol ADelegate: class {
	func `do`()
 class A {
	weak var delegate: ADelegate?
	deinit {


let a = A()
a.delegate = _new(owner: a) {			
			class ADelegateInstance: ADelegate {
				func `do`() {
					print("DO from delegate")
				return ADelegateInstance()

If you set new anonymous delegate the first will be deallocated. If you set new delegate (not from _new) your anonymous delegate will stay untill owner deallocated. To make it be removed forced you may first set _new with nil. Example:

Let's say you have Some class with week delegate SomeDelegate. You have some class SOmeDelegateInstance and it's instance stored strongly somewhere. Firstly you set Some instance delegate as an anonymous object. But after you change it to not anonymous class your anonymous class will be unavailable but alive. To make it be destoyed before some instance be released you may do the follow:

some.delegate = _new(owner:some) {
    class NoName: SomeDelegate {
        func `do`() {
    return NoName()

some.delegate = _new(owner:some) { nil }
some.delegate = someDelegateInstance

How to use:

You may copy SwiftAnonymousClass.swift directly to your project, or use cocoa pods:

pod "SwiftAnonymousClass"

you will need to add

import SwiftAnonymousClass


Analog of anonymous class in Swift.







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