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A minimalistic web app to generate transciption for audio built using Python


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AI Audio Transcriber

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A minimalistic application to generate transcriptions for audio built using Python

🚀 Demo


AITranscriber Snapshot

v.0.0.2 (Transcribing a Youtube Video Explaining Whisper)

AITranscriber Snapshot v2

v.0.0.2 (Transcribing an English Song - Thinkin About It)

AITranscriber Snapshot v2

v.0.0.3 (Transcribing a clip from Lex Fridman's podcast)

AITranscriber Snapshot v3

v.0.0.4 (Transcribing another clip from Lex Fridman's podcast)

AITranscriber Snapshot v4

📝 Basic Application WorkFlow

flowchart LR 
    I{Choose\n Input Mode}
    U -----> I
    I1[YouTube Video URL] 
    I2[Upload Video File]
    I3[Upload Audio File]
    I ---> I1 & I2 & I3

    YTC{"Check if\n Audio is available?"}
    YTA("Download video\n from YouTube")
    YTV("Download video\n from YouTube")
    I1 ---> YTC
    YTC --yes---> YTA
    YTC --no---> YTV

    VTA["Convert Video to Audio"]
    YTV ---> VTA
    I2 ---> VTA

    LA["Load Audio File"]
    YTA & VTA & I3---> LA
    M{"Choose\n Model Type"}
    U -----> M

    M ---> M1 & M2 & M3 & M4

    LM[Load Relevant Whisper Model]
    M1 & M2 & M3 & M4 --> LM

    GT("Generate Transcripts")
    LA & LM ---> GT

    O1(["Detected \n Language"])
    O2(["Complete \nSubtitle Text"])
    O3(["Subtitles \nwith Timestamps"])
    GT ---> O1 & O2 & O3

    OF(["Original\n Audio or Video"])
    D{{"Display to Client"}}
    I ---> OF
    O1 & O2 & OF ---> D

    DO{"Choose\n Output Option"}
    D1["SRT\n File"]
    D2["VTT\n File"]
    D3["Text\n File"]
    DP["Process Subtitle Object"]
    DN{{"Download Button"}}

    O3 ---> DP
    U ---> DO
    DO ---> D1 & D2 & D3 ---> DP ---> DN

    subgraph Result


(Preferred Pipeline Using GitHub Actions for Docker Image)

Docker CI/CD

⚒️ Set-Up Instructions

SetUp Icon

  • Open your terminal / command prompt.

  • Clone the repository

    git clone
  • Change the directory to the cloned project

    cd AIAudioTranscriber

A. Without using Docker

  • Ensure you have any version of Python below 3.10 installed in your system and you have virtualenv package installed

    which python
    pip install virtualenv
  • Create a new virtual environment

    python -m venv env
  • Activate virtual enviroment

    • On Mac/Linux
      source env/bin/activate
    • On Windows
  • Install ffmpeg in your local syste,

    • On Windows using Chocolatey
      choco install ffmpeg
    • On MacOS using Homebrew
      brew install ffmpeg 
    • On Debian/Ubuntu
      sudo apt update && sudo install ffmpeg
    • On Arch Linux
      sudo pacman -S ffmpeg 
  • Install the dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Download the model weights (This will take a few minutes since the total size of models in gigabytes)

  • Run the Web application

    streamlit run .\


    • If the app does not load by itself in your default browser, open a browser of your choice and navigate to http://localhost:8501
    • To stop the application, press CTRL + C in your terminal

B. Using Docker

  • Make sure you have Docker installed on your system. Refer the documentation here if you need assistance setting up.
  • Build a docker image
    docker run -t aitranscriber:v0.0.4 .


    • You may give any name instead of aitranscriber and any tag instead of v0.0.4
    • Depending on your system it takes a few minutes to successfully build the image
  • Once complete, check the docker image
    docker images
  • Create and run a Docker Container for the image
    docker run -p 8501:8501 aitranscriber:v0.0.4


    • docker run -p <hostport>:<8501> <container_name>:<tag_name>
    • In the above command, you can play around with which port of your host system you wish to map to the 8501 port of the container
    • If you used a different docker image name and/or different tag, make sure to update it in the command
  • Open your preferred Web Browser and navigate to http://localhost:8501


    • If you used a different host port in the above command then navigate to that one, http://localhost:<host_port>
    • To stop the container, in the terminal check the containter name: docker ps --all
    • Now use container name with the command: docker stop <container_name>

🌏Deployment Options

Hosting Icon

  • Streamlit Cloud

  • HuggingFace Spaces

  • Fly

  • Railway

  • Render

  • Cyclic

  • Heroku

  • Digital Ocean

  • Google Cloud Run

    • Install Google Cloud CLI
    • Create an Account on Google Cloud
    • Create a New Project
    • Build and Push Docker Image to Google Container Registry
      gcloud builds submit --tag<ProjectName>/<AppName>  --project=<ProjectName>
    • Deploy the Docker Container
      gcloud run deploy --image<ProjectName>/<AppName> --platform managed --project=<ProjectName> --allow-unauthenticated
  • Amazon EC2 Instance

  • Azure App

(Using Google Colab/Kaggle as temporary MVP server)

  • pyngrok

    • Step 1: Install pyngrok in Google Colab

      ! pip install pyngrok
    • Step 2: Sign-up in ngrok and get Authentication Token

    • Step 3: Authenticate

         from pyngrok import ngrok
    • Step 4: Load the Streamlit App at port 8051, create a tunnel for it and reveal the public URL for the tunnel

         !nohup streamlit run --server.port 8051 &
         url = ngrok.connect(8051).public_url
    • Step 5: Share URL with client

  • localtunnel

    • Step 1: Install localtunnel

      npm install -g localtunnel
    • Step 2

      streamlit run & npx localtunnel --port 8501
    • Step 3: Share URL with client

(Using local server as temporary MVP server)

  • NGINX + Cloudfare/ngrok

🏗️ Future Work

  • Download and use audio from Youtube Video

  • Download and use online audio file

  • Use Session States and Caching for Better UX

  • Display the language detected propely (without using the shortcode)

  • Generate Dedicated SRT,VTT files for transcripts (in addition to txt)

  • Update Model options to honour the name of prominent Indian Scientists

  • Option to limit/increase input model file size

  • Functionality to check the validity URL provided for Youtube Video

  • Add Custom Favicon File

  • Add Scrollable Text Area for Generated Transcripts

  • Containerize the Application with Docker

  • Troubleshoot Docker Container locally

  • Create Basic Workflow on GitHub Actions for Docker Image Build

  • Create Comprehensive Workflow on GitHub Actions for Docker Image Build

  • Resolve bug: Youtube video with multiple audios should download default audio.

    • Example: This clip from Huberman Lab is in English yet the script fetches the spanish audio codec from Youtube
  • Test Application by spinning up it's Container on Google Cloud Run

    • Push to a particular Docker Image Registry
    • Set TTL
    • Play around with system resources
    • Test with custom domain
  • Add Google Cloud's CI/CD to repo on push/pull requests

    • Use cloudbuild.yaml file
    • Update build time to 2 hours
  • Optimize Docker Image Size

  • Better CI/CD

  • Kubernetes Upgrade

  • Better GitHub Actions

More Features:

  • Burn transcripts to user-uploaded video ```python import os output_video = "final.mp4"

      os.system(f"ffmpeg -i {input_video} -vf subtitles={subtitle} {output_video}")
  • Summarize subtitles

  • Sentiment analysis on video summary

  • Batch transcript generation + summary + sentiment analysis

  • Dashboard for video review(s)

Speaker Diarization: Only if Community requires

  • Incorporate Speaker Diarization for Podcast/Vlog/Conversational Clips
  • Test it with burning transcripts to user uploaded video
  • Test it with transcript summarization

More Aligned Subtitles: Only if Community requires

  • Word Level Timestamps for transcripts + Generate ASS Transcript File

  • Test it with burning transcripts to user uploaded video

  • Test it with previous speaker diarization

  • Test it with transcript summarization

  • Improve UI Natively in Streamlit

API Development: Only if Community requires

  • Build API for model inference in FastAPI to handle requests asynchronously (on a different branch perhaps)
  • Containerize the API with Docker
  • Troubleshoot Docker Container for API
  • Host the API on Google/AWS/Linode/Heroku
  • Perform basic CI/CD for API
  • Rehost Streamlit Application on a different service (Reduce it to client side for most operations)
  • Play around with pyScript

Front End Development: Only if Community requires

  • Build Basic React Front end
  • Connect React Front End to FastAPI
  • Add Loader Animation
  • Add Animations for model inference times
  • Handling Errors in Front End/API
  • Upload File Component
  • Download Button(s)
  • Feedback Form
  • Contact Page
  • About Page
  • Home Page
  • Stripe Integration
  • Improve Navbar UI
  • 404 Page
  • Footer UI
  • Scrollbar UI
  • SEO

CI/CD Pipeline (GitHub Actions)

  • SAST (Optional)
  • Kubernetes Smoke Test (Optional)
  • Using Super Linter for Linting (Optional)
  • Unit Tests (Optional)
  • Integration Test (Optional)

✏️ Note

Note Icon

  • To view the generated transcript file(s) in VS Code IDE install Subtitles Editor extension

  • To extensively edit/manipulate the generated transcript file(s) use the open source tool Subtitle Edit

  • For Streamlit Sharing, mentioning versions of the modules in requirements throws error at times

  • Large Modelv2 outperforms all other versions of Whisper in terms of performance especially in Multi-lingual Transcription. However, it takes a 10 times more V-RAM than the base model and has longer inference time

  • To quickly record audio from system microphone use this Python Script:

    • Pre-requisities:

      pip install pyaudio wave
  • Whisper is unable to read audio file from disk if python-ffmpeg or ffmpeg python pacakges are installed. It only works when ffmpeg-python python package is installed and not the former too

    # Remove all ffmpeg related python packages
    pip uninstall python-ffmpeg ffmpeg ffmpeg-python
    # Install the appropriate pacakge for ffmpeg
    pip install ffmpeg-python
  • Pixabay has a great collection of copyright free, no royalty songs that one can use for testing the application

  • Poor Performance for Kanada or Telegu songs (often language recognition itself fails) for base model. Example: Kantara movie's Varaha Roopam Song

AITranscriber Snapshot v2

Docker Container and CI/CD

  • Exclude as much irrelevant files as possible with .dockerignore such as README.MD, LICENSE, snapshots, notebooks, input,output,logs, etc

  • Minimize the number of layers (Created by RUN, COPY and ADD)

  • Always combine RUN apt-get update with apt-get install in the same RUN statement. Using apt-get update alone in a RUN statement causes caching issues and subsequent apt-get install instructions fail.

  • Using RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ensures your Dockerfile installs the latest package versions with no further coding or manual intervention. This technique is known as “cache busting”.

  • In addition, when you clean up the apt cache by removing /var/lib/apt/lists it reduces the image size, since the apt cache is not stored in a layer.

  • Python Docker Image Info:

    • Images tagged with stretch/buster/jessie/buster/bullseye are codenames for different Debian Operating System Production releases.
    • bullseye being version 11, buster being version 10, and so on. (2022)
    • bookworm, trixy and forky are work-in-progress releases which may not be stable yet
    • -slim - only installs the minimal packages needed to run the particular tool.
  • Base Image with python <= 3.9 raises issue with module backports.zoneinfoand pip fails

  • To build and test multi-architecture docker images locally,

    • Create a new buildx instance
      docker buildx create --use
    • Build a new docker image for multi-architecture support
       docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 -t aitranscriber:multi-architecture -f Dockerfile . 
  • Checking Docker Image Build for multi-architecture is too time consuming for the current application and disabled

🛡️ License

This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🙏 Acknowledgements

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