Implementation of handler dynamically loaded by spWorkflow. Configured for post processing. Transaction validation and exchange rates already handled by spStack inside spServe.
- crypto_currency_symbol - ISO 4217 3-alpha currency code
- amount - in crypt_currency generated by currency conversions
- qrcode - recipient wallet address acquired by source
- single handler for both BitCoin and LiteCoin
- checks UTXO of sender address before initating new send
- implements local stateful queueing for sequential sending
- lookup for public key and private key (under LMK)
- prepare unsigned message
- send to spTransact + HSM for signing
- submit signed transaction directly to RPC
- sending private key is kept in Thales Hardware Security Module (HSM)
- sending private key is encrypted under LMK
- signing is performed directly and only inside HSM
- handler does not access have direct access to HSM
- must bridge network later to spTransact
Testing: Trial implementation will load keys from file, and submit directly to RPC interface.
Requirements: Handler to be deployed in spWorkflow. Requires matching spring.config entry and keySettings