This repository contains the core library of the object-level mapping and exploration framework presented in the ICRA 2023 paper “Finding Things in the Unknown: Semantic Object-Centric Exploration with an MAV”. The main repository is here.
The 3D mapping code is based on supereight.
- GCC 7+ or clang 6+ (for C++ 17 features and OpenMP)
- CMake 3.10+
- Eigen 3
- OpenCV 3+
- yaml-cpp 5.2+
- OctoMap (optional, for OctoMap output)
- Doxygen (optional, for the documentation)
To install the dependencies on Ubuntu 20.04 run
sudo apt-get --yes install git g++ cmake libeigen3-dev libopencv-dev libyaml-cpp-dev liboctomap-dev doxygen
To clone this repository and all submodules run
git clone --recurse-submodules
or if you already cloned without --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then build the project using CMake
mkdir -p build/release
cd build/release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..
cmake --build .
To generate the documentation in HTML format run
and open doc/html/index.html
with a web browser.
The recommended way to use semanticeight in your project is to add it as a git
submodule and to use the add_subdirectory()
CMake command to build it.
option(SE_BUILD_TESTS "Build the supereight unit tests" OFF)
option(SE_BUILD_GLUT_GUI "Build the OpenGL-based GUI" OFF)
# Link some-target with the semanticeight library.
target_link_libraries(some-target SE::DenseSLAMPinholeCamera)
Copyright 2018-2019 Emanuele Vespa
Copyright 2019-2023 Smart Robotics Lab, Imperial College London, Technical University of Munich
Copyright 2019-2022 Nils Funk
Copyright 2019-2023 Sotiris Papatheodorou
semanticeight is distributed under the BSD 3-clause license. Some parts of the code are distributed under the MIT license. See the individual file headers for which license applies.