Sketch plugin to help manage export formats
- Clone or download the code
- Double click on ExportOptions.sketchplugin
- Sketch should automatically install the plugin
The above should handle installing the plugin but failing that it can be manually copied to the plugins folder by doing the following:
- Open Sketch
- In the menu bar select the Plugins > Manage Plugins...
- Click the gear icon in the bottom left or right-click the list area
- Click Show Plugins Folder
- Copy ExportOptions.sketchplugin to the folder displayed
The plugin allows for adding or remove export formats. To do so, do the following:
- Select the layers to add/remove the export formats to/from
- In the menu bar select Plugins > Export Options
- Select the action that you would like to perform (add/remove remove formats)
Alternatively the following shortcut keys are provied
- Control + Shift + R = Remove all export sizes
- Control + Shift + E = Add Android export sizes