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Setup annotation task

Erik Smistad edited this page Jan 29, 2021 · 1 revision

To create an annotation task, make sure you are logged in as an administrator. Then press "Create a new task" and you will be presented with a large form. Here you can select which dataset should be used for the annotation, and which users should have access to this task. A single task can have multiple datasets and users, hold CTRL key to select multiple datasets/users.

Most annotation tasks use labels. A label can be a type of tissue or structure (e.g. blood vessel, muscle, nerve, tumour), or a image label (e.g short-axis view, long-axis view). A label has a color associated with is, which is useful for annotaters to separate them while annotating. Some tasks (e.g. image classification) can use a label hierarchy as well.

The description can have HTML, and is displayed to annoters before they annotate their first image, and at the bottom of every annotation page.

Note that you can also add a task from the django admin page, by pressing the Admin button on the top. Currently, it is only possible to edit a task from the django admin page.

If the option "User frame selection" is disabled: the annotaters are not able to select key frames to annotate in the sequence. Thus an admin must select which key frames the annotaters must annotate. To do this, an admin can go to the "image list" after creating the task, and press Show->All images, then "Select key frames" on the image sequences.