Named Entity Recognition for History data in Kannada Language
The Project has three modules
Crawler ==> NER-Kannada/Crawler Module to extract wikipedia articles from web
CRF Based NER System --> This module is to create features for CRF and train the model --> Pre_processing: Scripts for cleaning the raw data --> Data: It contains input data, model and output files --> CRF Templates (Feature Templates): This folder contains the template files used for CRF model training --> Config.ini Files: These files are to configure the path for script
Neural Network based NER System --> Pre Processing: Module to process raw data and generate input files for traning neural network --> NER Models: 1) In - Input Files for Neural Networks 2) out- Output Files of neural network 3) src - Modules for training and prediction using neural networks 4) trained_model - Neural Network NER model files --> Word Embedding: Module to generate word embeddings.
We obtained 74.61% accuracy with CRF and 73.54% accuracy with Neural Network