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Nota specific modules for the DAISY Pipeline 2

Release procedure

  • View changes since previous release and update version number according to semantic versioning.

    git diff v1.0.0...HEAD
  • Create a release branch.

    git checkout -b release/${VERSION}
  • Resolve snapshot dependencies and commit.

  • Set the version in pom.xml to ${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT and commit.

  • Make release notes and commit. (View changes since previous release with git diff v1.1.0...HEAD and look for relevant Github issues on

  • Perform the release with Maven.

  mvn clean release:clean release:prepare -DpushChanges=false
  mvn release:perform -DlocalCheckout=true
  • Push and make a pull request (for turning an existing issue into a PR use the -i <issueno> switch).

    git push origin release/${VERSION}:release/${VERSION}
    hub pull-request -b snaekobbi:master -h snaekobbi:release/${VERSION} -m "Release version ${VERSION}"
  • Stage the artifact on and comment on pull request.

    ghi comment -m staged ${ISSUE_NO}
  • Test and stage all projects that depend on this release before continuing.

  • Release the artifact on and close pull request.

    ghi comment --close -m released ${ISSUE_NO}
  • Push the tag.

    git push origin v${VERSION}
  • Add the release notes to${VERSION}.