- Fixes #2: TAK2WM broken in 4.1.0
- Moved documentation to ReadTheDocs: node-red-contrib-tak
- Updated GitHub repo URLs to snstac.
- Formatting & style cleanup with prettier.
- Improved error handling for weird payloads.
- Added missing Elements (le, hae, lat, lon) for Protobuf definitions.
- Updated to support TAK Protocol Version 1 Mesh & Stream Protobuf.
- Changed TAK Node to have 3 outputs: 1-JSON or XML, 2-Mesh, 3-Stream.
- Added unit tests!
- Updated README with node descriptions & GUI install instructions.
Updated protobuf support to include encoding & decoding (input & output).
- Added protobuf output support via additional second node output.
- Fixed conditional in wintak protobuf logic.
Several bug fixes for input CoT parsing. You should now be able to pipe the TAK Node directly into the TAK2WM node.
Automatic addition of ?xml header to incoming CoT (if missing).
Added two examples in the examples/ dir.
Added documentation to TAK and TAK2WM Nodes.