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Victoria Metrics Helm Chart for Cluster Version

Version: 0.11.2 Artifact Hub Slack

Victoria Metrics Cluster version - high-performance, cost-effective and scalable TSDB, long-term remote storage for Prometheus


  • Install the follow packages: git, kubectl, helm, helm-docs. See this tutorial.

  • PV support on underlying infrastructure

Chart Details

Note: this chart installs VictoriaMetrics cluster components such as vminsert, vmselect and vmstorage. It doesn't create or configure metrics scraping. If you are looking for a chart to configure monitoring stack in cluster check out victoria-metrics-k8s-stack chart.

How to install

Access a Kubernetes cluster.

Add a chart helm repository with follow commands:

helm repo add vm

helm repo update

List versions of vm/victoria-metrics-cluster chart available to installation:

helm search repo vm/victoria-metrics-cluster -l

Export default values of victoria-metrics-cluster chart to file values.yaml:

helm show values vm/victoria-metrics-cluster > values.yaml

Change the values according to the need of the environment in values.yaml file.

Test the installation with command:

helm install vmcluster vm/victoria-metrics-cluster -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE --debug --dry-run

Install chart with command:

helm install vmcluster vm/victoria-metrics-cluster -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE

Get the pods lists by running this commands:

kubectl get pods -A | grep 'vminsert\|vmselect\|vmstorage'

Get the application by running this command:

helm list -f vmcluster -n NAMESPACE

See the history of versions of vmcluster application with command.

helm history vmcluster -n NAMESPACE

How to uninstall

Remove application with command.

helm uninstall vmcluster -n NAMESPACE

Documentation of Helm Chart

Install helm-docs following the instructions on this tutorial.

Generate docs with helm-docs command.

cd charts/victoria-metrics-cluster


The markdown generation is entirely go template driven. The tool parses metadata from charts and generates a number of sub-templates that can be referenced in a template file (by default If no template file is provided, the tool has a default internal template that will generate a reasonably formatted README.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.

Change the values according to the need of the environment in victoria-metrics-cluster/values.yaml file.

Key Type Default Description
clusterDomainSuffix string "cluster.local" k8s cluster domain suffix, uses for building storage pods' FQDN. Ref:
extraObjects list [] Add extra specs dynamically to this chart
extraSecrets list []
license object {"key":"","secret":{"key":"","name":""}} Enterprise license key configuration for VictoriaMetrics enterprise. Required only for VictoriaMetrics enterprise. Documentation -, for more information, visit . To request a trial license, go to Supported starting from VictoriaMetrics v1.94.0
license.key string "" License key
license.secret object {"key":"","name":""} Use existing secret with license key
license.secret.key string "" Key in secret with license key string "" Existing secret name
printNotes bool true
rbac.create bool true
rbac.extraLabels object {}
rbac.namespaced bool false
rbac.pspEnabled bool true
serviceAccount.automountToken bool true
serviceAccount.create bool true
serviceAccount.extraLabels object {}
vminsert.affinity object {} Pod affinity
vminsert.annotations object {}
vminsert.automountServiceAccountToken bool true
vminsert.containerWorkingDir string "" Container workdir
vminsert.enabled bool true Enable deployment of vminsert component. Deployment is used
vminsert.env list [] Additional environment variables (ex.: secret tokens, flags)
vminsert.extraArgs."envflag.enable" string "true"
vminsert.extraArgs."envflag.prefix" string "VM_"
vminsert.extraArgs.loggerFormat string "json"
vminsert.extraContainers list []
vminsert.extraLabels object {}
vminsert.extraVolumeMounts list []
vminsert.extraVolumes list []
vminsert.fullnameOverride string "" Overrides the full name of vminsert component
vminsert.horizontalPodAutoscaler.behavior object {} Behavior settings for scaling by the HPA
vminsert.horizontalPodAutoscaler.enabled bool false Use HPA for vminsert component
vminsert.horizontalPodAutoscaler.maxReplicas int 10 Maximum replicas for HPA to use to to scale the vminsert component
vminsert.horizontalPodAutoscaler.metrics list [] Metric for HPA to use to scale the vminsert component
vminsert.horizontalPodAutoscaler.minReplicas int 2 Minimum replicas for HPA to use to scale the vminsert component
vminsert.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
vminsert.image.repository string "victoriametrics/vminsert" Image repository
vminsert.image.tag string "v1.94.0-cluster" Image tag
vminsert.ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations
vminsert.ingress.enabled bool false Enable deployment of ingress for vminsert component
vminsert.ingress.extraLabels object {}
vminsert.ingress.hosts list [] Array of host objects
vminsert.ingress.pathType string "Prefix" pathType is only for k8s >= 1.1=
vminsert.ingress.tls list [] Array of TLS objects
vminsert.initContainers list [] string "vminsert" vminsert container name
vminsert.nodeSelector object {} Pod's node selector. Ref:
vminsert.podAnnotations object {} Pod's annotations
vminsert.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false See kubectl explain poddisruptionbudget.spec for more. Ref:
vminsert.podDisruptionBudget.labels object {}
vminsert.podSecurityContext object {}
vminsert.priorityClassName string "" Name of Priority Class
vminsert.probe.liveness.failureThreshold int 3
vminsert.probe.liveness.initialDelaySeconds int 5
vminsert.probe.liveness.periodSeconds int 15
vminsert.probe.liveness.timeoutSeconds int 5
vminsert.probe.readiness.failureThreshold int 3
vminsert.probe.readiness.initialDelaySeconds int 5
vminsert.probe.readiness.periodSeconds int 15
vminsert.probe.readiness.timeoutSeconds int 5
vminsert.replicaCount int 2 Count of vminsert pods
vminsert.resources object {} Resource object
vminsert.securityContext object {} Pod's security context. Ref:
vminsert.service.annotations object {} Service annotations
vminsert.service.clusterIP string "" Service ClusterIP
vminsert.service.externalIPs list [] Service External IPs. Ref:
vminsert.service.extraPorts list [] Extra service ports
vminsert.service.labels object {} Service labels
vminsert.service.loadBalancerIP string "" Service load balancer IP
vminsert.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges list [] Load balancer source range
vminsert.service.servicePort int 8480 Service port
vminsert.service.targetPort string "http" Target port
vminsert.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
vminsert.service.udp bool false Make sure that service is not type "LoadBalancer", as it requires "MixedProtocolLBService" feature gate. ref:
vminsert.serviceMonitor.annotations object {} Service Monitor annotations
vminsert.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable deployment of Service Monitor for vminsert component. This is Prometheus operator object
vminsert.serviceMonitor.extraLabels object {} Service Monitor labels
vminsert.serviceMonitor.namespace string "" Target namespace of ServiceMonitor manifest
vminsert.serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] Service Monitor relabelings
vminsert.strategy object {}
vminsert.suppressStorageFQDNsRender bool false Suppress rendering --storageNode FQDNs based on vmstorage.replicaCount value. If true suppress rendering --storageNodes, they can be re-defined in extraArgs
vminsert.tolerations list [] Array of tolerations object. Ref:
vminsert.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Pod topologySpreadConstraints
vmselect.affinity object {} Pod affinity
vmselect.annotations object {}
vmselect.automountServiceAccountToken bool true
vmselect.cacheMountPath string "/cache" Cache root folder
vmselect.containerWorkingDir string "" Container workdir
vmselect.enabled bool true Enable deployment of vmselect component. Can be deployed as Deployment(default) or StatefulSet
vmselect.env list [] Additional environment variables (ex.: secret tokens, flags)
vmselect.extraArgs."envflag.enable" string "true"
vmselect.extraArgs."envflag.prefix" string "VM_"
vmselect.extraArgs.loggerFormat string "json"
vmselect.extraContainers list []
vmselect.extraHostPathMounts list []
vmselect.extraLabels object {}
vmselect.extraVolumeMounts list []
vmselect.extraVolumes list []
vmselect.fullnameOverride string "" Overrides the full name of vmselect component
vmselect.horizontalPodAutoscaler.behavior object {} Behavior settings for scaling by the HPA
vmselect.horizontalPodAutoscaler.enabled bool false Use HPA for vmselect component
vmselect.horizontalPodAutoscaler.maxReplicas int 10 Maximum replicas for HPA to use to to scale the vmselect component
vmselect.horizontalPodAutoscaler.metrics list [] Metric for HPA to use to scale the vmselect component
vmselect.horizontalPodAutoscaler.minReplicas int 2 Minimum replicas for HPA to use to scale the vmselect component
vmselect.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
vmselect.image.repository string "victoriametrics/vmselect" Image repository
vmselect.image.tag string "v1.94.0-cluster" Image tag
vmselect.ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations
vmselect.ingress.enabled bool false Enable deployment of ingress for vmselect component
vmselect.ingress.extraLabels object {}
vmselect.ingress.hosts list [] Array of host objects
vmselect.ingress.pathType string "Prefix" pathType is only for k8s >= 1.1=
vmselect.ingress.tls list [] Array of TLS objects
vmselect.initContainers list [] string "vmselect" Vmselect container name
vmselect.nodeSelector object {} Pod's node selector. Ref:
vmselect.persistentVolume.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Array of access mode. Must match those of existing PV or dynamic provisioner. Ref:
vmselect.persistentVolume.annotations object {} Persistent volume annotations
vmselect.persistentVolume.enabled bool false Create/use Persistent Volume Claim for vmselect component. Empty dir if false. If true, vmselect will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim
vmselect.persistentVolume.existingClaim string "" Existing Claim name. Requires vmselect.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound
vmselect.persistentVolume.labels object {} Persistent volume labels
vmselect.persistentVolume.size string "2Gi" Size of the volume. Better to set the same as resource limit memory property
vmselect.persistentVolume.subPath string "" Mount subpath
vmselect.podAnnotations object {} Pod's annotations
vmselect.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false See kubectl explain poddisruptionbudget.spec for more. Ref:
vmselect.podDisruptionBudget.labels object {}
vmselect.podSecurityContext object {}
vmselect.priorityClassName string "" Name of Priority Class
vmselect.probe.liveness.failureThreshold int 3
vmselect.probe.liveness.initialDelaySeconds int 5
vmselect.probe.liveness.periodSeconds int 15
vmselect.probe.liveness.timeoutSeconds int 5
vmselect.probe.readiness.failureThreshold int 3
vmselect.probe.readiness.initialDelaySeconds int 5
vmselect.probe.readiness.periodSeconds int 15
vmselect.probe.readiness.timeoutSeconds int 5
vmselect.replicaCount int 2 Count of vmselect pods
vmselect.resources object {} Resource object
vmselect.securityContext object {} Pod's security context. Ref: [](
vmselect.service.annotations object {} Service annotations
vmselect.service.clusterIP string "" Service ClusterIP
vmselect.service.externalIPs list [] Service External IPs. Ref:
vmselect.service.extraPorts list [] Extra service ports
vmselect.service.labels object {} Service labels
vmselect.service.loadBalancerIP string "" Service load balacner IP
vmselect.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges list [] Load balancer source range
vmselect.service.servicePort int 8481 Service port
vmselect.service.targetPort string "http" Target port
vmselect.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
vmselect.serviceMonitor.annotations object {} Service Monitor annotations
vmselect.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable deployment of Service Monitor for vmselect component. This is Prometheus operator object
vmselect.serviceMonitor.extraLabels object {} Service Monitor labels
vmselect.serviceMonitor.namespace string "" Target namespace of ServiceMonitor manifest
vmselect.serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] Service Monitor relabelings
vmselect.statefulSet.enabled bool false Deploy StatefulSet instead of Deployment for vmselect. Useful if you want to keep cache data.
vmselect.statefulSet.podManagementPolicy string "OrderedReady" Deploy order policy for StatefulSet pods
vmselect.statefulSet.service.annotations object {} Headless service annotations
vmselect.statefulSet.service.labels object {} Headless service labels
vmselect.statefulSet.service.servicePort int 8481 Headless service port
vmselect.strategy object {}
vmselect.suppressStorageFQDNsRender bool false Suppress rendering --storageNode FQDNs based on vmstorage.replicaCount value. If true suppress rendering --storageNodes, they can be re-defined in extraArgs
vmselect.tolerations list [] Array of tolerations object. Ref:
vmselect.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Pod topologySpreadConstraints
vmstorage.affinity object {} Pod affinity
vmstorage.annotations object {}
vmstorage.automountServiceAccountToken bool true
vmstorage.containerWorkingDir string "" Container workdir
vmstorage.enabled bool true Enable deployment of vmstorage component. StatefulSet is used
vmstorage.env list [] Additional environment variables (ex.: secret tokens, flags)
vmstorage.extraArgs."envflag.enable" string "true"
vmstorage.extraArgs."envflag.prefix" string "VM_"
vmstorage.extraArgs.loggerFormat string "json"
vmstorage.extraContainers list []
vmstorage.extraHostPathMounts list []
vmstorage.extraLabels object {}
vmstorage.extraSecretMounts list []
vmstorage.extraVolumeMounts list []
vmstorage.extraVolumes list []
vmstorage.fullnameOverride string nil Overrides the full name of vmstorage component
vmstorage.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
vmstorage.image.repository string "victoriametrics/vmstorage" Image repository
vmstorage.image.tag string "v1.94.0-cluster" Image tag
vmstorage.initContainers list [] string "vmstorage" vmstorage container name
vmstorage.nodeSelector object {} Pod's node selector. Ref:
vmstorage.persistentVolume.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Array of access modes. Must match those of existing PV or dynamic provisioner. Ref:
vmstorage.persistentVolume.annotations object {} Persistent volume annotations
vmstorage.persistentVolume.enabled bool true Create/use Persistent Volume Claim for vmstorage component. Empty dir if false. If true, vmstorage will create/use a Persistent Volume Claim
vmstorage.persistentVolume.existingClaim string "" Existing Claim name. Requires vmstorage.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound
vmstorage.persistentVolume.labels object {} Persistent volume labels
vmstorage.persistentVolume.mountPath string "/storage" Data root path. Vmstorage data Persistent Volume mount root path
vmstorage.persistentVolume.size string "8Gi" Size of the volume.
vmstorage.persistentVolume.storageClass string "" Storage class name. Will be empty if not setted
vmstorage.persistentVolume.subPath string "" Mount subpath
vmstorage.podAnnotations object {} Pod's annotations
vmstorage.podDisruptionBudget object {"enabled":false,"labels":{}} See kubectl explain poddisruptionbudget.spec for more. Ref:
vmstorage.podManagementPolicy string "OrderedReady" Deploy order policy for StatefulSet pods
vmstorage.podSecurityContext object {}
vmstorage.priorityClassName string "" Name of Priority Class
vmstorage.probe.liveness.failureThreshold int 10
vmstorage.probe.liveness.initialDelaySeconds int 30
vmstorage.probe.liveness.periodSeconds int 30
vmstorage.probe.liveness.tcpSocket.port string "http"
vmstorage.probe.liveness.timeoutSeconds int 5
vmstorage.probe.readiness.failureThreshold int 3
vmstorage.probe.readiness.httpGet.path string "/health"
vmstorage.probe.readiness.httpGet.port string "http"
vmstorage.probe.readiness.initialDelaySeconds int 5
vmstorage.probe.readiness.periodSeconds int 15
vmstorage.probe.readiness.timeoutSeconds int 5
vmstorage.replicaCount int 2 Count of vmstorage pods
vmstorage.resources object {} Resource object. Ref:
vmstorage.retentionPeriod int 1 Data retention period. Supported values 1w, 1d, number without measurement means month, e.g. 2 = 2month
vmstorage.securityContext object {} Pod's security context. Ref:
vmstorage.service.annotations object {} Service annotations
vmstorage.service.extraPorts list [] Extra service ports
vmstorage.service.labels object {} Service labels
vmstorage.service.servicePort int 8482 Service port
vmstorage.service.vminsertPort int 8400 Port for accepting connections from vminsert
vmstorage.service.vmselectPort int 8401 Port for accepting connections from vmselect
vmstorage.serviceMonitor.annotations object {} Service Monitor annotations
vmstorage.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable deployment of Service Monitor for vmstorage component. This is Prometheus operator object
vmstorage.serviceMonitor.extraLabels object {} Service Monitor labels
vmstorage.serviceMonitor.namespace string "" Target namespace of ServiceMonitor manifest
vmstorage.serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] Service Monitor relabelings
vmstorage.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 60 Pod's termination grace period in seconds
vmstorage.tolerations list [] Array of tolerations object. Node tolerations for server scheduling to nodes with taints. Ref: #
vmstorage.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Pod topologySpreadConstraints
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.destination string "" backup destination at S3, GCS or local filesystem. Pod name will be included to path!
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.disableDaily bool false disable daily backups
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.disableHourly bool false disable hourly backups
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.disableMonthly bool false disable monthly backups
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.disableWeekly bool false disable weekly backups
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.enable bool false enable automatic creation of backup via vmbackupmanager. vmbackupmanager is part of Enterprise packages
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.env list [] Additional environment variables (ex.: secret tokens, flags)
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.eula bool false should be true and means that you have the legal right to run a backup manager that can either be a signed contract or an email with confirmation to run the service in a trial period #
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.extraArgs."envflag.enable" string "true"
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.extraArgs."envflag.prefix" string "VM_"
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.extraArgs.loggerFormat string "json"
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.extraSecretMounts list []
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.image.repository string "victoriametrics/vmbackupmanager" vmbackupmanager image repository
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.image.tag string "v1.94.0-enterprise" vmbackupmanager image tag
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 10
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 30
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.livenessProbe.tcpSocket.port string "manager-http"
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/health"
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.readinessProbe.httpGet.port string "manager-http"
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 5
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 15
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.resources object {}
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.restore object {"onStart":{"enabled":false}} Allows to enable restore options for pod. Read more:
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.retention object {"keepLastDaily":2,"keepLastHourly":2,"keepLastMonthly":2,"keepLastWeekly":2} backups' retention settings
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.retention.keepLastDaily int 2 keep last N daily backups. 0 means delete all existing daily backups. Specify -1 to turn off
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.retention.keepLastHourly int 2 keep last N hourly backups. 0 means delete all existing hourly backups. Specify -1 to turn off
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.retention.keepLastMonthly int 2 keep last N monthly backups. 0 means delete all existing monthly backups. Specify -1 to turn off
vmstorage.vmbackupmanager.retention.keepLastWeekly int 2 keep last N weekly backups. 0 means delete all existing weekly backups. Specify -1 to turn off