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FPTaylor Reference Manual

FPTaylor is a tool for estimation of round-off errors of floating-point computations. The following command invokes FPTaylor on a given input file

fptaylor input_file_name

See Input file format for the description of the input file format. FPTaylor reads the input file and analyzes expressions defined in this file. All operations in input files are assumed to be over real numbers. FPTaylor models floating-point arithmetic with rounding operations. The basic analysis which FPTaylor performs is the following. Suppose the input file contains an expression expr containing some variables (for simplicity, assume that it depends on one variable x) and some rounding operations. FPTaylor constructs another expression expr' without rounding operations and estimates the maximum value of the difference

|expr - expr'|

over all possible values of x (this is the absolute round-off error of expr). FPTaylor also can estimate the value of

|(expr - expr') / expr|

(the relative round-off error of expr) if it finds that expr is never equal to 0 for all values of x and if the option for computing relative errors is turned on.

It is possible to invoke FPTaylor with several files. In this case, FPTaylor analyzes expressions in all input files in sequence.

Special configuration files can be used to pass parameters to FPTaylor. To invoke FPTaylor with given configuration files, use the following command

fptaylor [-c config_file1 [-c config_file2 ...]] input_file1 [input_file2 ...]

If several configuration files are provided, options in the second configuration file will override options in the first file, and so on. The default configuration file default.cfg is always loaded first. See the section Options for a description of FPTaylor options.

Creating FPCore Benchmarks

FPTaylor can create FPCore benchmarks with the export tool. This tool can be compiled with the command:

make export-tool

Basic usage:

./export -o output_file input_file [input_file ...]

If the output file is not given then all results are written to stdout (along with some log messages).

Export Tool options

  • --var-type. Possible values: float16, float32, float64, and float128. If this options is given then it overrides types of all variables in all benchmarks. This option is useful for creating FPCore files from FPTaylor benchmarks with real input variables because many FPBench compilers do not support real computations.


    ./export --var-type float64 -o out.fpcore benchmarks/toplas/FPTaylor/jet.txt
  • --default-var-type. This option specify the type of variables without explicit type declarations.

  • --default-rnd-typ. This options specify the default rounding operation (rnd).

Input file format

Each FPTaylor input files consists of several sections: Constants, Variables, Definitions, Constraints, and Expressions. The section Constants defines constants. The section Variables defines variables. The section Definitions contains named expressions (definitions). The section Constraints defines constraints which specify the input domain. The section Expressions contains expressions for analysis. The most important sections are Variables and Expressions. Sections must be defined in the order: Constants, Variables, Definitions, Expressions. Any section may be omitted. FPTaylor will not produce any result for an input file without the Expressions section.

Comments in FPTaylor input files have the form

// this is a comment

It is also possible to combine several input files into one file. Sections of separate files (tasks) must be inside curly braces:

    // first task
    // second task

Different tasks do not share any information (i.e., constants, variables, definitions, and expressions).


The section with constants has the following syntax

  name = constant expression;
  name = constant expression;
  name = constant expression;

All constant definitions must be separated by semicolons. It is possible to refer to previously defined constants in constant definitions. All constants are assumed to be real rational numbers. It is not possible to define irrational constants (e.g., a square root of 2: sqrt(2)). Irrational constants may be defined in the Definitions section.


  k = 0.1;
  c = 1 / k * 2;


The section with variables has the following syntax

  type var_name in [low, high];
  type var_name in [low, high];

All variable definitions must be separated by semicolons. Each variable has a type, name, and the interval of values. The type can be omitted; in this case, a variable will get the default type defined by the option default-var-type (its default value is float64).

Variables can be of the following types:

  • real: the type of real values. This type is assigned by default to variables without explicit type.
  • float16: the type of IEEE-754 16-bit floating-point numbers (half precision).
  • float32: the type of IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point numbers (single precision).
  • float64: the type of IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers (double precision).
  • float128: the type of IEEE-754 128-bit floating-point numbers (quadruple precision).

Names of variables should be different from names of constants.

All variables must be bounded. Bounds are given as rational constant expressions (support for irrational bounds will be added in future versions of FPTaylor).


  k = 2;

  float32 x in [0, 1];
  y in [2.1 / 3, 20/7 + 0.1];
  real z in [-3, 4.5 + k]; // k is a constant

In the example above, y has the default type (float64 if all options have default values), z is a real variable, x is a single precision variable.

It is also possible to define a variable which has uncertainties. It is done in the following way

type var_name in [low, high] +/- uncertainty

Here, uncertainty must be a positive rational constant expression. Suppose that x is a variable in the interval [a, b] with uncertainty u. Then we have the following relation between the actual value (val(x)) of x and its uncertain value (x): |val(x) - x| <= u and a <= val(x) <= b. Note that the actual value val(x) is bounded by a and b (not by a - u and b + u).


The section with definitions has the following syntax

  def_name = expr;
  def_name = expr;

All definitions must be separated by semicolons. It is possible to refer to previous definitions. Definition names must be different from names of variables and constants.


  t = x * y + 1;
  z = (t - 1) / (t + 1);

There is an alternative way to write a definition

  def_name rnd= expr

Here, rnd must be one of rounding operators. The meaning of this definition is the following: the rounding operator rnd is recursively applied to subexpressions of expr. There is one restriction: rnd is not applied to another rounding operator and it does not propagate inside another rounding operator.


r0 = 1 + x;
r1 rnd32= x;
r2 rnd64= x + r0 * y;
r3 rnd16_up= rnd32(x) + y;
r4 rnd32= rnd64(x + y);

It is equivalent to

r0 = 1 + x;
r1 = rnd32(x);
r2 = rnd64(rnd64(x) + rnd64(rnd64(r0) * rnd64(y)));
r3 = rnd16_up(rnd32(x) + rnd16_up(y));
r4 = rnd64(x + y);


Each variable has lower and upper bounds. Additional constraints can be defined in the following section

  constr_name: formula;
  constr_name: formula;

Here formula is expr >= expr or expr <= expr. In the current version of FPTaylor, constraints are supported with the Z3 optimization backend only.


  ineq1: a + b >= c;


The section with expressions has the following syntax

  expr_name = expr;
  expr_name = expr;

All expressions must be separated by semicolons. This section works in the same way as the Definitions section but names of expressions (and the equality sign) can be omitted. Expressions without names will get automatically generated names "Expression k" where k is the number of the expression in the definition list.

It is also possible to use the alternative syntax of definitions with automatic rounding (see the Definitions section).


  2 * x;	// This expression will be named "Expression 1"
  t rnd16= 2 * x;
  1 + t;   // This expression will be named "Expression 3"

In the example above, the value of the last expression is 1 + rnd16(rnd16(2) * rnd16(x)).

Names of expressions are printed in the summary section of the FPTaylor output.


All operations in FPTaylor are assumed to be over real numbers. Floating-point arithmetic is supported via rounding operators.

Basic operations

  1. + addition
  2. - subtraction and negation
  3. * multiplication
  4. / division
  5. sqrt square root
  6. fma (deprecated). fma(a,b,c) is equivalent to a * b + c. In early versions of FPTaylor this operation corresponded to rnd(a * b + c) with the appropriately selected rounding operator.

Transcendental operations

  1. sin sine
  2. cos cosine
  3. exp exponent
  4. log logarithm
  5. tan tangent
  6. asin (or arcsin) arcsine
  7. acos (or arccos) arccosine
  8. atan (or arctan) arctangent
  9. sinh hyperbolic sine
  10. cosh hyperbolic cosine
  11. tanh hyperbolic tangent
  12. asinh (or arsinh, arcsinh, argsinh) inverse hyperbolic sine
  13. acosh (or arcosh, arccosh, argcosh) inverse hyperbolic cosine
  14. atanh (or artanh, arctanh, argtanh) inverse hyperbolic tangent

Transcendental functions may be not supported by some optimization backends of FPTaylor. The default optimization backend (interval branch and bound, bb) supports all operations.


The general rounding operator has the following syntax

rnd[bits, type, scale, eps, delta]

Here, bits is one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, or 128. It specifies the floating-point format to which the operator rounds. Values of type can be: ne, up, down, or zero. It specifies the type of the rounding operator: to nearest, toward positive infinity (up), toward negative infinity (down), or toward zero. The value of scale must be a real number, values of eps and delta must be integers. These values play the following role. Assume that the following expression is given:

rnd[bits, type, scale, eps, delta](f)

FPTaylor creates the following relation between f and its rounded value:

rnd[bits, type, scale, eps, delta](f) = f + f e + d

with |e| <= scale * 2^eps and |d| <= scale * 2^delta if type is ne, and |e| <= 2 * scale * 2^eps and |d| <= 2 * scale * 2^delta if type is up, down, or zero. There is one special value for eps and delta. If eps = 0 then e = 0 and if delta = 0 then d = 0.

FPTaylor also can work with an improved rounded model where the expression f e is replaced with p2(f)e. The function p2 is a special function which improves the result of the rounding approximation. In general, the improved rounding model leads to more complicated problems for FPTaylor to solve. It can be turned on with a special option.

Note that values of bits and type are not explicitly used in the above rounded expression. Nevertheless, they play an important role in the analysis which FPTaylor does internally.

There are several simplified versions of rounding operators. Parameters eps and delta can be omitted. In that case, their values will be deduced automatically from the value of bits and type:

rnd[bits, type, scale]

The parameter scale can also be omitted. If it is omitted, then its value is assumed to be 1.0.

There are several predefined names for most commonly used rounding operators:

rnd16 = rnd[16, ne]
rnd16_up = rnd[16, up]
rnd16_down = rnd[16, down]
rnd16_0 = rnd[16, zero]

rnd32 = rnd[32, ne]
rnd32_up = rnd[32, up]
rnd32_down = rnd[32, down]
rnd32_0 = rnd[32, zero]

rnd64 = rnd[64, ne]
rnd64_up = rnd[64, up]
rnd64_down = rnd[64, down]
rnd64_0 = rnd[64, zero]

rnd128 = rnd[128, ne]
rnd128_up = rnd[128, up]
rnd128_down = rnd[128, down]
rnd128_0 = rnd[128, zero]

The special operation no_rnd can be applied to any expression. It is equivalent to the identity operation. It may be useful in the following context:

r1 rnd32= x + no_rnd(n - 1);

This example is equivalent to

r1 = rnd32(rnd32(x) + n - 1);

It is also possible to use the rounding operator rnd without any parameters. In this case, the actual rounding operator is determined by the value of the option default-rnd (its default value is rnd64).


Options are specified in configuration files. All options and their default values are defined in the main configuration file default.cfg. A configuration file config.cfg can be loaded with the following command

fptaylor -c config.cfg input_file1 [input_file2 ...]

Several configuration files can be provided:

fptaylor -c config1.cfg -c config2.cfg -c config3.cfg ... input_file1 [input_file2 ...]

Options defined in config2.cfg override options defined in config1.cfg and in default.cfg, options in config3.cfg override options in config2.cfg, etc.

The syntax of a configuration file is the following:

option_name = option_value
option_name = option_value

Empty lines and lines starting with # (or *) are ignored. Example:

abs-error = true
# This is a comment
* This is also a comment

rel-error = false

Some important options are described below. Other options can be found in default.cfg.


Possible values: true, false.

If the value is true, then FPTaylor computes absolute round-off errors of expressions.


Possible values: true, false.

If the value is true, then FPTaylor computes relative round-off errors of expressions. If the value of an expression can be very close to 0, then FPTaylor issues a warning and does not compute the relative error.


Possible values: true, false.

Turns on or off the improved rounding model. The improved rounding model yields better error estimation results but it also produces harder problems for optimization backends to solve. It may be not supported by some optimization backends.


Possible values: true, false.

If true, then rounding errors for real variables are computed from their interval bounds. This error approximation may yield better results when fp-power2-model = false and it does not introduce any difficulties for optimization backends.

If fp-power2-model = false, then it is recommended to run experiments with const-approx-real-vars = true and const-approx-real-vars = false and select best results.


Possible values: true, false.

If true, then approximate optimization problems are solved by FPTaylor optimization backends. These approximate problems are simpler than exact optimization problems and may yield worse (but still sound) upper bounds of errors.


Possible values: true, false.

If true, then exact optimization problems are solved by FPTaylor optimization backends. These exact problems are harder than approximate optimization problems. Some optimization backends may not support exact optimization problems.


Possible values: auto, bb, bb-eval, z3, gelpia, and nlopt

Specifies the optimization backend of FPTaylor.

  • auto automatically select an optimization method. The current heuristic checks the number of variables and selects bb-eval for problems with 0, 1, or 2 variables and selects bb for all other problems.

  • bb is the default optimization backend implemented in FPTaylor. It supports all FPTaylor operations and the improved rounding model. Constraints are not supported. OCaml compiler must be installed in order to use this optimization backend.

  • bb-eval is the same as bb but it does not require an OCaml compiler to be installed. In general, it is slower than bb but may be faster on small problems.

  • z3 is the optimization backend based on Z3 SMT solver. Z3 must be installed and its Python binding must work. This optimization backend does not support transcendental functions and the improved rounding model. Constraints are supported.

  • gelpia is the optimization backend based on Gelpia. Gelpia must be installed and the environment variable GELPIA_PATH should point to the Gelpia base directory. Alternatively, Gelpia can be copied directly to the FPTaylor base directory. This optimization backend supports all FPTaylor operations and the improved rounding model. Constraints are not supported. It is generally faster than the default optimization backend bb.

  • nlopt is the optimization backend based on the NLOpt optimization library. This optimization backend may yield unsound results but it is fast and is a good choice for getting solid preliminary results. This optimization backend does not support the improved rounding model and constraints.

opt-f-rel-tol, opt-f-abs-tol, opt-x-rel-tol, opt-x-abs-tol.

These options specify the desired accuracy of optimization results. See default.cfg for additional info.

opt-max-iters, opt-timeout.

These options bound the number of iterations and time of global optimization backends. See default.cfg for additional info.


Possible values: true, false.

If true, then proof certificates are saved for all analyzed expressions. These proof certificates can be validated with a special procedure in the HOL Light proof assistant. All proof certificates are saved in the proofs directory (relative to the directory from which FPTaylor is invoked). In the current version of FPTaylor, proof certificates cannot be produced for the improved rounding model (fp-power2-model = true) and for relative errors (rel-error = true).


FPTaylor prints out information about analyzed expressions in the standard output. The summary of error analysis is printed at the end. This summary contains the following information

  • The name of the analyzed expression printed as Problem: name_of_the_expression.

  • Lower bounds for all solved optimization problems if print-opt-lower-bounds = true. These lower bounds are not lower bounds of round-off errors. They are only valid for corresponding round-off error models. Lower bounds may be not available for some optimization backends (in this case, -inf is printed). If a lower bound is significantly different from the corresponding upper bound then it might be possible to get better results by changing optimization parameters (for example, opt-f-abs-tol = 0 or opt-x-abs-tol = 0).

  • Bounds of the analyzed expression if find-bounds = true.

  • An upper bound of the absolute round-off error obtained with the approximate optimization problem if abs-error = true and opt-approx = true. It is printed as Absolute error (approximate): ....

  • An upper bound of the absolute round-off error obtained with the exact optimization problem if abs-error = true and opt-exact = true. It is printed as Absolute error (exact): ....

  • An upper bound of the relative round-off error obtained with the approximate optimization problem if rel-error = true and opt-approx = true. It is printed as Relative error (approximate): ....

  • An upper bound of the relative round-off error obtained with the exact optimization problem if rel-error = true and opt-exact = true. It is printed as Relative error (exact): ....

  • The analysis time in seconds printed as Elapsed time: time.

All error bounds are printed as correctly rounded decimal numbers. The number of digits in the printed results can be changed with the option print-precision.

An example:

Problem: sqroot

Optimization lower bounds for error models:
The absolute error model (approximate): 4.941403e-16 (suboptimality = 3.5%)
The absolute error model (exact):       4.874573e-16 (suboptimality = 2.8%)
The relative error model (approximate): 4.757544e-16 (suboptimality = 4.6%)
The relative error model (exact):       4.410886e-16 (suboptimality = 0.9%)

Bounds (without rounding): [9.920349e-01, 1.410787e+00]
Bounds (floating-point): [9.92034912109374000799e-01, 1.41078659147024310094e+00]

Absolute error (approximate): 5.121506e-16
Absolute error (exact):       5.016452e-16
Relative error (approximate): 4.985282e-16
Relative error (exact):       4.450252e-16

Elapsed time: 9.48