Scripts pertaining to data pre-processing and analysis to investigate the role of poverty in maternal and child perinatal health outcomes in the Netherlands.
The '01_preprocessing_scripts' folder contains all the scripts necessary to load data, join the dataset with CBS tables, and clean the data before further analyses.
- Make sure to change the 'file_paths' script to match the paths to your tables of interest.
- If you only need a household ID and not object ID, you can skip the 03 script.
- The '04_merge_cbs' script is the one that reads a CBS table and joins it to your dataset.
- Script 05 is necessary in the case that you are extracting data from longitudinal tables.
- The last script '06_cleanup' is specific to the variable processing needed for this project. NB: Income type CBS variables usually need to be processed since they contain negative values for NA.