Dockerized BTSync (2.0) that doesn't suck.
Dockerized BitTorrent Sync.
It's tiny- based on progrium/busybox
and can run as any uid/gid you wish.
The default login and password is admin
and password
. Please change in /config/btsync.conf
docker run -d --name btsync \
-e USERID=1337 \
-e GROUPID=1337 \
-p 3369:3369 \
-p 3369:3369/udp \
-p 8888:8888 \
-v /myconfig:/config \
-v /mydata:/sync \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
default 1000
default 1000
Config files, state, and log.
btsync has access to this mount.
sync tcp
sync udp