Swiss knife play to get some e2e up and running on your build server
Installs selenium(optional), webdriver(optional) , chrome(optional), firefox(optional), chromium(optional), phantomjs(optional) with headless support (via xvfb). Optionally installs java & nodejs if needed.
Example of usage (all parameters are optional)
Note: you need to select one, as selenium is installed by webdriver silently as its dependency. Make sure to review browsers needed.
- {
role: "sa-ci-e2e-headless",
options_install_selenium: false,
options_install_webdriver: true,
# optional browsers
browser_phantomjs: true,
browser_chromium: true,
browser_firefox: true,
browser_google_chrome: true
- {
role: "sa-ci-e2e-headless",
# optional java install
option_install_java: true,
java_version: 7
# optional browsers
browser_phantomjs: true,
browser_chromium: true,
browser_firefox: true,
browser_google_chrome: true,
# optional nodejs
option_nodejs_install_with_nvm: true,
nvm_version: 0.31.1,
nodejs_version: "6.9.2",
option_nodejs_link_globally: false,
option_integrate_w_bash: false,
option_integrate_w_zsh: false,
# optional selenium
options_install_selenium: true,
selenium_version: 2.49.1,
# webdriver for angularjs testing with protractor
options_install_webdriver: true,
If you installed the sa-ci-e2e-headless role using the command
ansible-galaxy install
the role will be available in the folder library/ Please adjust the path accordingly.
- {
role: ""
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