Task Agnostic eXploration of Outcome spaces through Novelty and Surprise.
This is the code of the paper: Unsupervised Learning and Exploration of Reachable Outcome Space
To install run:
pipenv shell --three
python setup.py install
We also provide a containerized version running in Singularity at: https://github.com/GPaolo/taxons_sif
NB: if you're using the virtualenv, activate it before installing the dependencies.
I am using a slightly modified version of pybulletgym than the original found here: https://github.com/benelot/pybullet-gym
To install it, activate the virtual env, go in the external
folder and run:
git clone https://github.com/GPaolo/pybullet-gym.git
cd pybullet-gym
pip install -e .
If you want more informations, look at the README
TAXONS needs Fastsim to be installed. I am using a slightly modified version of the original.
To install it we first need to download Pyfastsim:
git clone https://github.com/alexendy/pyfastsim
Now we need to install libfastsim
in pyfastsim. To do so, execute:
cd external/pyfastsim
git clone https://github.com/GPaolo/libfastsim.git
cd libfastsim
git checkout patch-1
git pull origin patch-1
patch -p1 < ../fastsim-boost2std-fixdisplay.patch
./waf configure
./waf build
./waf install
NB If it complains that cannot find boost, then install it by running:
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Now we can install pyfastsim by running, in the external/pyfastsim
python setup.py install
Finally we can install fastsim-gym
To do so, activate the virtual env and enter the external
folder. Then do:
cd external
git clone https://github.com/GPaolo/fastsim_gym.git
git checkout patch-1
git pull origin patch-1
python setup.py install
The file .env
will be loaded automatically with pipenv shell
or pipenv run your_command
and the environment variables will be available.
NB: within Pycharm you need the plugin Env File to load it automatically (access Env File tab from the Run/Debug configurations). You will have to run PyCharm from the shell itself from inside the activated virtualenv
To run the algorithm you just need to launch:
python scripy/train.py
If you want to change the experiment parameters, go to: script/parameters.py
To plot the results, just run:
python scripts/plot.py