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│      __  ___                           __  __           __              │
│     /  |/  /___  ____  ____ _____     / / / /___ ______/ /_____  _____  │
│    / /|_/ / __ \/ __ \/ __ `/ __ \   / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ //_/ _ \/ ___/  │
│   / /  / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ /  / __  / /_/ / /__/ ,< /  __/ /      │
│  /_/  /_/\____/_/ /_/\__, /\____/  /_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\___/_/       │
│                     /____/                                     Modern   │


NPM module that generates ~/.mongorc.js for a next-level Mongo development experience

"MongoDB Shell Enhancements" - Modernized v0.1.2

This is a fork by @softwarecreations of TylerBrock/mongo-hacker

Why mongo-hacker-modern is better than mongo-hacker

mongo-hacker Looks like this (I find this hard to read) image

My 219 PR adds the javascript_keys option that improves readability like this image

My 220 PR adds the minimal_quotes option, that improves readability like this image

So Readability vs mongosh is equalized, but usability is better!

So with my enhancements, mongo-hacker-modern has the same readability as MongoDB's (new) official mongosh client, with 3 added benefits over mongosh

  • Fully customizable (do whatever you want, edit the code, submit a PR?)
  • Supports .ugly(); query modifier, forcing results to be displayed on 1 line per document!
  • Older mongo servers and Node.JS environments are supported (I don't care about this, but maybe you do)

mongosh (lacking .ugly();) lacks usability

mongosh results consume a ridiculous amount of screen space and that makes it tedious to look through data. Only 7 documents consume an entire screen.


mongosh vs mongo-hacker-modern workflow to: copy, paste, edit, enter

mongosh also makes it tedious to copy-paste a document from mongosh into mongosh and modify it, because mongosh forces multi-line output and then only lets you edit the last line of text that you've pasted in... So to use mongosh you must paste into a separate text editor and edit it there before pasting it back into mongosh.

mongo-hacker-modern workflow

  1. Copy
  2. Paste
  3. Edit

mongosh workflow

  1. Copy
  2. Switch to code editor
  3. Make a new file
  4. Paste
  5. Edit
  6. Copy
  7. Switch back to correct mongosh terminal (you probably have multiple terminals running)
  8. Paste

To install mongo-hacker-modern, run

npm install -g mongo-hacker-modern

Run mongo and mongosh on the same system

Get the best of both.

MongoDB doesn't offer every version of MongoDB for every distro version, but it seems as long as your distro is the same or newer than the one they have targeted, it works 100%.

For example the oldest version of MongoDB community-version for Debian 12 bookworm is 7.0... but on Debian 12 bookworm I've installed mongodb-org 6.0 (intended for Debian 11 bullseye) and mongodb-org-shell 4.4 (intended for Debian 10 buster)

Installing legacy mongo shell aka mongodb-org-shell 4.4

Add MongoDB 4.4 repo to your system (3 commands depending on your system)

Now you have completed these 3 steps

  1. Add MongoDB 4.4's GPG key
  2. Add MongoDB 4.4's repository to your package manager
  3. Update your package manager

Install mongodb-org-shell 4.4 in Debian/Ubuntu/PopOS etc

apt install mongodb-org-shell=4.4.29

Pin mongodb-org-shell 4.4 by the fact that 4.4 is the newest version that you have added for buster

echo -e 'Package: mongodb-org-shell\nPin: release a=buster\nPin-Priority: 1001' | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/mongodb-org-shell

Alternatively, pin mongodb-org-shell 4.4 by EXACT version

echo -e 'Package: mongodb-org-shell\nPin: version 4.4.29\nPin-Priority: 1001' | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/mongodb-org-shell

Unfortunately it won't pin if you just say version 4.4. If you pin to 4.4.29 and hypothetically 4.4.30 is released, you will have to update your preference to get 4.4.30.

How to uninstall mongo-hacker-modern

rm -f ~/.mongorc.js

Why this module was published on

After my PR from 2022-04-04 was merged

As of 2023-06-17 there has been no response to my PR's submitted in 2022-04-13

So I published my fork on on 2022-06

Original forked follows...

        │           __  ___                           __  __           __                   │
        │          /  |/  /___  ____  ____ _____     / / / /___ ______/ /_____  _____       │
        │         / /|_/ / __ \/ __ \/ __ `/ __ \   / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ //_/ _ \/ ___/       │
        │        / /  / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ /  / __  / /_/ / /__/ ,< /  __/ /           │
        │       /_/  /_/\____/_/ /_/\__, /\____/  /_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\___/_/            │
        │                          /____/                                                   │

MongoDB Shell Enhancements


  • These enhancements are useful to me but they don't make sense for everyone. Feel free to tweak to your desire and please submit feedback or pull requests.
  • Only tested with non-EOL versions of MongoDB server (currently 3.4+)
  • Does not work with mongo shell or MongoDB servers < 2.4
  • Updates called on existing cursors are experimental (see notes in API section)


npm install -g mongo-hacker

Install from source

git clone
cd mongo-hacker
make install
cd ..
rm -rdf mongo-hacker/


Basic UX

  • Verbose shell is enabled by default (config: verbose_shell)
    • To toggle temporarily run setVerboseShell(false)
  • Highlight query time if verbose shell is enabled
    • In green if query time is at or below slowms
    • In red if query time is above slowms
  • Default indent is 2 spaces instead of tab (config: indent)
  • Disable notification of "Type 'it' for more"
  • Option to sort document keys (config: sort_keys)
  • Option to format keys in JavaScript style (config: javascript_keys)
  • Option to quote strings minimally (config: minimal_quotes)
  • Custom prompt: hostname(process-version)[rs_status:set_name] db>
  • Always pretty print. You can still use default format by appending .ugly() to the end of a statement.
  • Colorized query output for console/terminal windows supporting ANSI color codes. Colorized Output

Additional shell commands

The MongoDB shell offers various "shell commands" (sometimes referred to as "shell helpers" as well) that make interactive use of the shell much more convenient than proper, Javascript-only scripted use of the shell.

To make interactive use of the MongoDB shell even more convenient, mongo-hacker adds the following shell commands:

  • count collections/count tables: count the number of collections in each of the mongo server's databases
  • count documents/count docs: count the number of documents in all (non-system) collections in the database
  • count indexes: list all collections and display the size of all indexes

Some of these commands have hidden features that can be enabled in the mongo-hacker config, to make the command output even more useful:

  • by changing the count_deltas setting to true in config.js, the count documents command will also print out the change in the number of documents since the last count

API Additions


Get a list of database names:


(note that this method is similar - functionality-wise and usage-wise - to the existing db.getCollectionNames() API method and allows for advanced, cross-database scripting in the MongoDB shell)


One for finding a single document:

db.collection.find({ ... }).one() == db.collection.findOne({ ... })

Select for selecting fields to return (projection):

db.collection.find({ ... }).select({ name: 1 })

Reverse for descending sort by insertion order (default) or arbitrary field:

db.collection.find({ ... }).reverse()
db.collection.find({ ... }).reverse('createDate')

Last for finding last inserted document (default) or document last by given field:

db.collection.find({ ... }).last()
db.collection.find({ ... }).last('createDate')

Update, Replace, Upsert and Remove can be called on a DBQuery Object:

db.collection.find({ ... }).update({ ... })  // multi update
db.collection.find({ ... }).replace({ ... }) // single replacement
db.collection.find({ ... }).upsert({ ... })  // single upsert
db.collection.find({ ... }).remove()         // multi remove

Sort, limit, and skip through multi updates and removes:

db.collection.find({ ... }).limit(7).update({ ... })
db.collection.find({ ... }).sort({ ... }).skip(1).limit(3).update({ ... })
db.collection.find({ ... }).limit(3).remove()

Note: The performance of multi updates involving a skip or limit may be worse than those without those specifications due to there being absolutely no native support for this feature in MongoDB itself. It should be understood by the user of this software that use of this feature (by calling update on a cursor rather than a collection) is advanced and experimental. The option to do this sort of operation is purely additive to the MongoDB experience with MongoHacker and usage of it is in no way required. Furthermore, its inclusion in this enhancement does not effect the operation of updates invoked through collections and, in practice, is insanely useful.

Aggregation Framework

The aggregation framework is now fluent as well. You can use it as currently documented or via the chainable methods.

Calling aggregate without an array of operations or $operations will make it a match.

// matches every document

// matches documents where the "a" is equal to 1
db.collection.aggregate({a: 1})

// matches documents where "a" is greater than 7
db.collection.aggregate({a: {$gt: 7}})

Additional methods can then be chained on top of the inital match in order to make more complicated aggregations.

// Match and project
db.collection.aggregate({a: 1}).project({a: 1, _id: 0})

// Match, group and sort
db.test.aggregate().group({_id: '$a', 'sum': {'$sum': 1}}).sort({sum: -1})

Data Generation

For easy and simple random data generation you can utilise these methods below. You can use any of these functions in a loop. For example:

// Inserts 20 documents with random data.
for (i=1; i<21; i++) {
             word: randomWord(),
             number: randomNumber(),
             date: randomDate()

You can specify the length of each word, the number of words, and an optional seeded word in a sentence randomly. Use the optional seed parameter for testing text search.

randomWord(length=5, words=1, seed=undefined)

// Inserts a random sentence consisting of 5 letters per word, 5 words in total,
// with a probability to insert the word 'needle' in the sentence
db.collection.insert( { words: randomWord(5, 5, 'needle') } )

// Inserts a random word consisting of 16 letters
db.collection.insert( { words: randomWord(16) } )

You can specify maximum number to be randomly generated (exclusive)


// Inserts a random number in the range of 0 or 1.
db.collection.insert( { number: randomNumber(2) } )

// Inserts a random number in the range of 0 or 999.
db.collection.insert( { number: randomNumber(1000) } )

You can specify start and end dates range to be randomly generated. (exclusive)

randomDate(start= <2 years ago> , end=Date() )

// Inserts a random date object in the range of 1st January 2016 to 1st February 2016
db.collection.insert( { date: randomDate(ISODate("2016-01-01T00:00:00"), ISODate("2016-02-01T00:00:00")) })

// If today is 19th May 2016 and you specify only the start of the day,
// this will generate random date object between 00:00:00 to current time.  
db.collection.insert( { date: randomDate(ISODate("2016-05-19T00:00:00")) })


General Shell Helpers

  • findCommand('search') list commands that match the search string

Aggregation Framework Helpers -- on collections

  • Group and Count: gcount(group_field, filter)
  • Group and Sum: gsum(group_field, sum_field, filter)
  • Group and Average: gavg(group_field, avg_field, filter)

Run function on some/all databases

runOnDbs(/db_names_regexp/, function(db) {
    // callback is ran for each database which name matches regular expression
    // db is that selected database

Recent Changes

See for a list of changes from previous versions of Mongo Hacker.

A very special thanks to all of the contributors to Mongo Hacker.


This software is not supported by MongoDB, Inc. under any of their commercial support subscriptions or otherwise. Any usage of Mongo Hacker is at your own risk. Bug reports, feature requests, and questions can be posted in the Issues section on GitHub.


MongoDB Shell Enhancements for Hackers







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  • JavaScript 97.6%
  • Makefile 2.4%