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Releases: softypit/esp32_mqtt_eq3


16 Jan 19:56
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1.64 attempts to fix issue when esp32 connects to >7 EQ-3 valves.

IDF 4.3.1 port

01 Jan 14:09
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idf 4.3.1
mongoose network library 7.4
Additional config parameters for manual IP mode
A few tweaks/bugfixes

Changed SDK config for auto crystal frequency

03 Mar 21:01
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Previously xtal freq was fixed at 40MHz which precludes use of ESP32s with 26MHz crystals.
Frequency is now set to 'auto' which should support both crystal types.

Modify status web page

02 Mar 21:15
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Latest updates from Floyddotnet including fix for temperature offset reporting.
Changed web gui status page to remove plain-text display of mqtt password.
Added uptime to web gui status page.

Fix for temperature offset

17 Jan 21:38
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Fix to the temperature offset command which was previously causing the valve to switch off due to a clash between the 'offset' and 'off' commands.

A few fixes

10 Nov 21:58
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A few fixes Pre-release

A few fixes to crashes and failures to connect.
A basic http rest API to allow commands to valves without mqtt

Now with added webserver commands and OTA software updates

05 Apr 21:21
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This is a beta as there are a number of changes that need thorough testing. The webserver is tested only with firefox so there could be issues with other browsers.
OTA support enables uploading a new .bin image without the need for a serial connection.
Basic logging is included which makes a log of up to 40 recent events available on the web interface. These events are currently limited to recent commands and status responses plus a few error reports.
SNTP support has been added which when enabled is used to timestamp the logs and can be used to set trv clocks.
Commands can be issued to discovered EQ3 valves using the web interface. This is only via POST but I will attempt to add a RESTful API in future.

Version 1.20 release

12 Jan 18:12
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Updated with support for CC-RT-BLE devices from ul-gh.
Modified scanned devices report to proper json and added rssi report for each device.
Fixed json format error when reporting device not found.
Removed poll command and added settime command allowing setting of the valve time.
Fixed memory leak where command struct was allocated twice for each command.

Initial eq3_trv_control release

23 Jul 21:42
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Version 1.0
This has been in use on 2 esp32wroom devices for a few months now and it seems fairly stable connected to a mosquitto broker.
The esp32s are controlling 8 x eq-3 trvs in a custom heating control application.