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Presentation video

The ER diagram can be found here: er.png

SQL queries

All the sql queries used by the webapp are in api/index.ts

The schema of the tables, and the rationale behind the design can be fouund in sql/user.sql

An sql dump of the schema of the tables and the data it had can be found in dump.sql.

dummy-data/ has all the files that were used to populate the tables. unprocessedData.json was taken from

Project requirements

Analytics: See file api/analytics.ts. The /analytics path has the following data:

  1. The longest messages and their length.
  2. The most active hours.
  3. Users who send the most messages.

Note: You must be an admin to access the /analytics path. The default username and password in the sql dump is:

username: admin
password: admin

Apart from this, when messages are retrieved, complex queries are used to retrive them and sort them, as highlighted in the presentation video.

Faceted search: See file Components/SearchPanel.tsx and for the backend see api/index.ts - line 39

The other requirements are pretty obvious.



After cloning the repository, run the following commands

npm install

Change the cookie secret in the .env file to a random string. To import the tables and the data shown in the demo, dump.sql has all the schemas, as well as the data to along with it. To import it to a database called test run the following command from the root of this repository:

mariadb test < dump.sql

To run the webapp in dev mode: npm run dev

To build the webapp in production mode it has to be built first:

npm run build

To run the production build on a specific port, pass PORT as en environment vairable:

PORT=3000 npm run start

Note: the default password of all the users is qwerty1234.


A simple messaging webapp that can be used to:

  1. Create an account and log in
  2. Message other users
  3. Reply to a particular message
  4. Edit a message
  5. Delete a message
  6. Delete a chat
  7. Create a group
  8. Add members to a group
  9. Send/edit/edit a group message
  10. Delete a group
  11. Change username