The Statistics
namespace contains the Statistics
class that reflects the functionality documented at at https://blockchain.info/api/charts_api. It makes various network statistics available, such as the total number of blocks in existence, next difficulty retarget block, total BTC mined in the past 24 hours etc.
Example usage:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Info.Blockchain.API;
using Info.Blockchain.API.Statistics;
namespace TestApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var stats = Statistics.Get();
Console.WriteLine("The current difficulty is {0}. The next retarget will happen in {1} hours",
(int)((stats.NextRetarget - stats.TotalBlocks) * stats.MinutesBetweenBlocks / 60));
catch (APIException e)
Console.WriteLine("Blockchain exception: " + e.Message);